Monday, April 1, 2013

Men in Black III, Game of Thrones Season 2, Forbrydelsen III Episode 6

Men in Black III I was not expecting much from it but enjoyed it a lot. There were even tears.

Game of Thrones Season 2 This was a good ride. A decent adaptation and I like the actors. Even though the actor playing Tyrion is decent looking and they gave him a charismatic bias cut in the face. Well in the book Tyrion is ugly and the cut chooped half of his nose off. So he looked hideous. But I applaud whoever cast Brianne. Wow. And I liked Theon's sister and Ygrid too. Also in the book I didn't like Stannis and found him boring but in the series, the actor really makes him a more entertaining character.

Forbrydelsen III - Well I have watched 5 more episodes and this is already a lot better than season II. The mystery is more interesting, the life of a child is at stake and Sarah is trying to connect with his son but so far to no avail. She also slept with her ex (in Uni) despite knowing he is married with kids.

 Meanwhile When We Were Orphans is now so similar to The Unconsoled that I'm kind of freaking out. 

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