Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Celebrity Sweetheart Eps. 14

Well last night I was not feeling well. I couldn't completely rest on weekend so I guess I was not sufficiently charged. A slight headache and a feeling of powerlessness. So I have decided not to waste these and watch Celebrity Sweetheart and I think I'm going to take a break from this show. It is just too dull. The acting is good but the conflicts are seriously stupid and the story is streched so thin that it is almost going to tear. I can't believe they extended this to 20 episodes.

I'm thinking of starting a Japanese drama but shall I go with AU where men are scarce and women have all the power or the man who cannot get married. From the synopsis, I feel sympathetic to the second one since I don't want to get married either (and since I'm past 40 now no one is trying to make me :) )

Meanwhile Tender is the Night is going great. Fitzgerald is a genius writer.

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