Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Chronicles of Narnia (including The Silver Chair and The Last Stand)- End, Celebrity Sweetheart Eps.III, Sinemam ve Ben

Ok first things first, I have finished Chronicles of Narnia and loved them all to the last drop. It ended beautifully too.

Following my usual reading pattern, to have totally unrelated book Sinemam ve Ben (lit. translation "My Cinema and I") I have started reading the memoirs of Türkan Şoray (who is one of the biggest stars of Turkish Cinema and the most favorite of mine. It is going well so far.

Celebrity Sweetheart interestingly enough is a love story between a superstar and a ghost writer who is hired (reluctantly and only accepted due to money problems) to write her travel memoirs. Well it is a bit dull to be honest and I don't really care for the leads, I love Yoo Ji Tae but he is just not suited to dramas, he acts very well but somehow differently. And everything happens awkwardly, there is not a good foothold to justify what it happening on screen. I would have loved this to be another Notting Hill but alas. On the other hand I'm so starved for romance that I ate up the first three episodes last night.

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