Monday, October 1, 2012

Downton Abbey Complete Season 1 & 2, The Woodlanders - End, Motherless Brooklyn, Mr.Popper's Penguins

The Woodlanders ended in a Thomas Hardy way, Giles died out of honour and love, Marty remained loyal to him even in his grave. Grace first was devastated by Giles' death (which was kind of hear fault) but then actually made up with her cheating husband (returned to Grace after ending the affair with the Lady). I actually shed tears for Giles and Marty but felt sorrier for Grace in the end.

I have started a novel called Motherless Brooklyn which is about a private detective with Tourette Snydrome. Well I can't say I have fallen for it yet but then again the only reason I purchased it while in NYC (at least at a secondhand bookstore) is that I have read that Edward Norton was thinking of adapting it to a film. Well so far I think I'd enjoy watching it more than reading it (which is unusual for me but Tourette Syndrome is not very interesting you see).

I have also finished Downton Abbey on weekend and even though it was decent and very entertaining, I can't say I love it the way the majority seem to do. Maybe because I'm used to adaptations, maybe because I thought the sets, costumes and the actors deserved a better script, I don't know.... It all seemed so light and pat for some reason. I'll recommend this one for fun times but do not expect the depth of an adaptation. 

Mr.Popper's Penguins well we all know this type of film and I do admit liking some of them better than the others (Family Man starring Nic Cage and Téa Leoni is my all time fave). The penguins were kinda cute but all in all I wouldn't have liked it as much if I hadn't been on the verge of getting my period. So I ended up even crying for the sucker.

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