Friday, October 12, 2012

The Thing - Fail, Kalın Kitap - End, The Fiddlers

Last night I have tried to watch a horror film directed by esteemed John Carpenter, starring Kurt Russel (I like him a lot) and I have fallen asleep not even halfway through. I don't think this one was a bad film - my sister watched it more than once and it is well liked among the fans of the genre- but for some reason I have fallen asleep watching it. I should have watched a Guru Dutt film or something but my friend came for a visit and she stayed until half past nine and then I didn't want to start something long, the film I had in mind was David Fincher's Zodiac actually (which my sister thinks is boring, so based on last night I may end up liking)

Finished Kalın Kitap which I enjoyed. And started reading The Fiddlers, the final 87 Precint novel. I love Ed McBain and his 87 Precint novels. And of course I remembered the original of this novel right away. This is a touched up version (they included modern day references) which doesn't feel right in comparison to the original. But still it is better than most others and I'm enjoying it very very much. I had a crush on Carella the first time I have read a 87 Precint novel (as I'm supposed to I guess) and it is no suprise that I still do have that crush.

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