Friday, October 19, 2012

Glass Slippers 10 - 11 - 12

Glass Slippers is slowly going crazy and taking me with it in each episode.

Crazy Sis actually passed herself as Yoon Hee and everyone bought it hook line and sinker. Tae Hee is very happy to find her sister and the rest do not doubt her identity. Although her mother cautioned her to end this insane charade, she convinced her by making her feel guilty, doesn't she deserve a nice rich life? In the end Bad Woman gave in since Bad Men also thinks it is better for them to play along so that they can get money and do nothing. Seriously these people are so evil.

Meanwhile in a rather more intelligent evil environment Jae Hyuk and Gangster Boss reunited and Gang Boss after asking and learning the reason for Jae Hyuk's revenge agreed to help him out to do his dirty stuff for him.

And Mr.Park has found a job for Yoon Hee working as an all aroung janitor in one of the branches of Jae Ha communications. She happily starts to work and meets again with Jae Hyuk. They actually get close and enjoyed hanging out together. Meanwhile Chul Woon has gone to kick some gangster ass and when faced with the Gang Boss didn't hesitate to make a bet that if he loses he will start to work for the Gang Boss. Well Gang Boss may be older but he ended up being the better fighter and Chul Woong was severely beaten. The upside is Yoon Hee felt bad for him and cleaned the wounds on his face (and earlier she made it very clear that she doesn't think of going out with any man and thinks Chul Woong only as a friend).

Crazy Bitch is still not satisfied after stealing Yoon Hee's life. She actually went to the store Yoon Hee works told Yoon Hee's story as her own and tried to put on airs but Yoon Hee said she doesn't care about this stuff and only wants to find her ring. Crazy Bitch pushed her but the boxes fell on the Crazy Bitch. And before we thought that she finally got what she deserved she manages to get away with scratches and even complained to Tae Hee that the real Yoon Hee was trying to kill her. Tae Hee, very kindly, told read Yoon Hee that even if both claim different things, she'll believe Yoon Hee and didn't even listen real Yoon Hee's explanation. Just because Crazy Bitch is her sister see. Anyway. Crazy Bitch got Yoon Hee fired threatening to sue the store and futhermore the boxes were full of mobile phones and now Yoon Hee owes 2000 US Dollars to the store owner.

She actually worries that all the bad things happen to her one after another and she feels sad that she lost her ring. She goes to Mr.Park at his work place and explains the whole thing. Mr.Park is his usual lovely self and was very understanding. Yoon Hee heard women talking that they are hiring janitors for Jae Ha company and she immediately applied. When the janitor supervisor asked her about her night college degree, she said of course she wants a better job but meanwhile this is work and she doesn't mind doing it.

Chul Woon finally gave her the dress he bought for her and Yoon Hee was so happy.

Tae Hee actually scored top points in the written exam and impressed everyone in the interviews. Grandpa compromised saying that he'll try to observe Jae Hyuk better and will not refuse him outright. But Jae Hyuk is staying away from Tae Hee. When she asks why he says that she is too dependant on him. I suspect that he likes her and is afraid of future complications his revenge attempts will inevitably cause. But he is also very interested in Yoon Hee and Tae Hee has no idea.

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