Monday, October 8, 2012

Mawang at the end of Episode 16

This is really weird. Despite feeling that the psychic giving clues touching the objects (and dreams as we are further along in the story) is a bit pat and comfortable, the rest of the drama is very good in suspense, logic, drama and philosophy. But I keep falling asleep. Why I don't know. Last night I have watched episodes 15 & 16 dosing on and off and what's even worse is that I didn't even bother to rewatch the parts I have missed.

What I remember is that O Su finally clued in on the fact that Seung Ha is Mawang. It is one thing to know and the other to prove or do something about it since Seung Ha didn't get his hands dirty so far (only his heart). Older Bro is not the clueless husband since he knows of the affair between Loyal Friend and his wife (this effectively renders Seung Gi's blackmail powerless but I was not awake enough to find out whether loyal friend is aware that the husband knows or not)  Shin Min Ah is getting close to Seung Ha and she seem to remember meeting him when they were children but Seung Ha denies it. So the last time I saw her she was having trouble believing that Seung Ha is Mawang.

Maybe the reason for me to fall asleep is that I know the ending. I really need to stay away from spoilers since they indeed spoil everything for me. I doubt I'd fall asleep if I didn't know what is going to happen.

On weekend I have visited Second Hand Book Fair and this time my sister kindly accompanied me. She is also an avid reader and this way we were able to buy freely without worrying how to carry the books in public transport. Even though the fair was weak in English books this year I have managed to pick up a good haul.

On Sunday all I did was lie about and watch bad films including

Now and Then which is probably a vanity project for Demi Moore, the executive producer. It was a sucky film but I managed to cry even in that.

The Lake is simply excellent. The Japanese style I love combined with a subject that is very interesting, I'm having a hard time stopping it (when the shuttle arrives to work I need to stop) 

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