Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Glass Slippers 19 - 20 - 21

Glass Slippers is predictably going bonkers. And predictably I still like it.

Yoon Hee is dating Jae Hyuk now despite the fact that she knows Jae Hyuk is dealing with gangsters and is after revenge. And despite the fact that georgeous Chul Woong is ready to throw himself at her feet. There is no accounting for taste, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Tae Hee's eyes are finally open as far as Jae Hyuk goes, she doesn't know he is the grandson of her Grandpa's ex partner and is after revenge but she knows that the reason Jae Hyuk's interest in her is because of who she is (Grandpa's daughter, heir to the corporation etc.).

Jae Hyuk confessed his love to Yoon Hee and it is reciprocated. I don't like him but at least he is honest where romantic love is concerned since he immediately told everything to Tae Hee and they made a clean break. He even told Grandpa that he liked Tae Hee a lot but he really loves Yoon Hee. Mr.Park got his diary and gave him time to figure out what he is going to do. If his decision is to insist on revenge he will give the diary to Grandpa but if he decides to give the revenge up then he will not say anything. He used to work for Jae Hyuk's Grandfather and this is the reason he didn't immediately inform Grandpa. Jae Hyuk actually put his revenge plans on hold since he is thinking of building a life with Yoon Hee but his assistant (who has left USA and came with him since he thinks Jae Hyuk will own Jae Ha Group one day, and believe me he was not happy to see him wavering) counters his orders and informs Gang Boss to proceed. Also he tells them to retrieve the diary saying that this is Jae Hyuk's order.

Of course this brings us to Chul Woong and how he went to retrieve the diary by force and realised that the man he is supposed to beat and intimidate it his father!!!! He asked what this is all about but Mr.Park refused to tell him saying that it is company business. But he went to the gangsters and found out that Jae Hyuk is behind everything.

He immediately goes to confront Jae Hyuk and he happens to be there with Yoon Hee who cannot believe that Jae Hyuk would do something like this (well he didn't do that but he has done a lot of things) and believes Jae Hyuk when he says he had nothing to do with it. But Chul Woong actually gets his hands on the famous diary (the proof that Jae Hyuk is ex partners grandchild) and he informs Jae Hyuk that he has it and will keep it. He also tells Jae Hyuk that even though he appears to be the lesser man in comparison to Jae Hyuk's money, education and general status in life, he will not give up loving Yoon Hee up. Good job Chul Woong!!!!! And when Crazy Bitch asks for the diary and promises that he'll get rid of Jae Hyuk, Chul Woong wisely refuses. Good boy.  Chul Woong also goes to Gangboss and informs him that he will not be with them as long as they work for Jae Hyuk.

Crazy Bitch is going madder by day. She totally flips when she finds out that Yoon Hee is actually working as an office assistant now and she is dating Jae Hyuk. Her real fear is that Tae Hee will figure out that Yoon Hee is the real sister and she actually finds out about the diary and gangsta connections from Chul Woong's sidekick and tries to blackmail Jae Hyuk into firing Yoon Hee. However Jae Hyuk is not like Tae Hee and Yoon Hee, good and kind, he says that he can see behind Crazy Bitch's seemingly protective and loving motive (she loves Tae Hee and wants her to be happy) and that he says that Crazy Bitch is actually selfish and only cares about herself so there must be another reason for her to want Yoon Hee out of the way. And she should not threaten people without any proof.

Then he goes to his assistant and asks the Gangboss to arrange a meeting with him and Chul Woong. The meeting is arranged (well they show up when Chul Woong and Sidekick are playing billiards). Jae Hyuk offers a shitload of cash in exchange for the diary but Chul Woong says that he is one of the few stupid people to whom money doesn't mean as much as the rest of the world (I love him) and then he said that he'll get beaten (Chul Woong is surrounded by gangsters at this point). Chul Woong doesn't bat an eye and says that it is OK, he needs to be roughed up a bit anyway but the Gangboss says that Chul Woong is like a brother to him and he will not get violent against him (well Chul Woong is a better fighter and has kicked everyone's ass in the gang except the Gangboss who turned out to be the best fighter among them) and all the gangstas leave.

So the asisstant tries to get another gangboss - one that has recently joined Gangboss' gang after being gently! persuaded by Chul Woong and he refuses at first but agrees after seeing the shit load of cash and the promise to be the sole gang Jae Hyuk works with when he becomes the head of Jae Ha Group - of course Jae Hyuk doesn't know this deal but he is a smart man and is aware that Assistant is going to do something unpleasant.

But when the traitor asked what is Chul Woong's weakness, we all know the answer. Yoon Hee is having a hard time at work since she is the focus of all the rumours involving her and Jae Hyuk. She tries to stand tall but all these get to her. She even slapped the Crazy Bitch when she became too much. But Tae Hee actually liked the results of the task she has given to Yoon Hee (I LOVE Tae Hee) and tells her that she did a good job and takes note of one of her suggestion. Yoon Hee tells her that it meant so much for Tae Hee to be nice to her since she has been subject to much emotional abuse due to her relationship with Jae Hyuk. But Tae Hee says to her that she should not listen to the rumours and stay on her course and keep on working hard.

But when they are leaving Assistant informs traitor and the other gang tries to kidnap Yoon Hee, and Tae Hee sees it and rushes to save her. These sisters are so cool! But they are against a gang of thugs and this is where episode 21 ended.

Now I'm happy that all my life I have decided to stay away from office gossip. I avoided it because it is a sin. And staying away from gossip doesn't make you the most popular person in the office (I used to gossip all the times when I was working at Klassis and I was very popular back then) but I'll take a clean conscience over popularity any day. And it made me realise how correct I was when I saw how negative office gossip can affect people who are the subject of the gossip.  God forbid us to hurt someone. 

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