Monday, October 22, 2012

Glass Slippers 13 - 14 - 15, Innocent Blood - End, Bir Uzun Mesafe Festivalcisinin Anıları

As I was out partying (Greek Taverna followed by local bar) until 04:0 a:m on Friday and had to wake up to attend breakfast with the same party on Saturday and not returning home until 16:00 and then falling asleep at 18:30 to wake up on Sunday 07:30 (I really need to sleep), the only time I could return to watch Glass Slippers was Sunday night. And the episodes once again were very interesting with characters gaining different arc (except our angel Yoon Hee and I'm very glad that she is the one that has not changed).

Yoon Hee started to work as a janitor in Jae Ha Communications and this pissed Chul Woong off. He actually went to the gangster took the money Yoon Hee owed to the store owner (2000 US Dollars) and then started to like the Gang Boss and decided to work for them. Yoon Hee tried to make him give up but to no avail. Meanwhile Jae Hyuk started to like Yoon Hee more and more. And she is so inherently good that I don't blame him for being happy when she is with her. Of course this didn't sit well with Tae Hee who wants to marry Jae Hyuk, actually asking him out right. Tae Hee is straightforward and would like to be approached this way, what she doesn't get is that others may find this straightforward, go getter attitude not easy to deal with. Jae Hyuk actually likes her but he is not happy when he is with her. This has more to do with the fact that Tae Hee is Grandpa's granddaughter and he is most determined to get the company out of Grandpa's hands and get his revenge. The thing is if he marries Tae Hee, he'd get the company anyway and as his loyal assistant pointed out, he'll do it without any (metaphorical) bloodshed. But for some reason he is hatching a share takeover scheme with Gang Boss in order to take over Jae Ha Communications. So he cannot be honest to Tae Hee and her honesty is even harder to deal with. No wonder he feels happy when with Yoo Hee who doesn't demand anything from him and he can be honest with her. He admits it to Yoon Hee and sort of asks to start a relationship knowing that Yoon Hee is interested in him too. What he doesn't know is that Crazy Bitch saw them at the hospital when they are talking and very midly flirting. And she went to Yoon Hee and accused her of stealing Chul Woong from her and secucing the Bad Stepfather. Even though Yoon Hee denied them all it had no effect on Crazy Bitch who said that Jae Hyuk is going to get married to her Unni Tae Hee and that Jae Hyuk is way above Yoon Hee in status with his masters degree from US etc. Even though I think that Yoon Hee would probably refuse him anyway since she has different priorities at this stage in her life than having a boyfriend but Crazy Bitch's words must have had some effect, because she said that she is suprised that she has such a good effect on such an important person as Jae Hyuk.

Meanhwile Chul Woong became as tough and good gangster and he has got a diamond ring for Yoon Hee with his first earned money (other than the afore mentioned  2000 US Dollars) but he got beaten up by the men he previously beat up and he had to be hospitalised. Thanks to his side kick Yoon Hee was able to figure out what happened to him and take care of him at the hospital. She tried to make the gangsters go away but couldn't. When she had to leave him alone because she had to go to work, she took his sister into confidence and then later on Sister and her big mouth gave everything away. His family was instantly by Chul Woong's side and the Gang Boss gave him the option to quit with his dignity intact - because he didn't know Chul Woong had such a loving family you see. But Chul Woon said he likes the Gang Boss and he'd like to stay. Despite seeming very immature Chul Woong is showing hidden depths by admitting that he gave it a lot of thought before embarking this road in life. And after everyone has left and Yoon Hee was sulking outside his hospital room he went on his knee in front of her and as I thought he'd propose he did something way cooler and took one of her sneaker straps off, brought out the diamong ring and told Yoon Hee that this too is a ring and even though it is not the same as the one she lost, with this new ring her bad luck will turn. Yoon Hee was so touched that she couldn't say anything, just silently cried and ran away (Chul Woong followed her and saw that on her own she clutches the ring and cries some more - he is happy that his gift is well liked).

Returning back to the other sister, Tae Hee is forceful and successful and even on her first day didn't shy away from expressing her opinion. When Jae Hyuk told her later to tone it down, she was suprised that they are not free to express their opinions (her business suggestion was a lot better than Jae Hyuk's ). And when she went home Crazy Bitch fed her lies about Yoon Hee and told her to be careful and keep an eye on Jae Hyuk. But Crazy Bitch is on the verge of being discovered imho. Aunt thinks that her character is very different from the rest of the family and she has different habits (she was caught stealing Tae Hee's necklace). Also Seo Jun heard her speaking to her original family and Bad Mom and Bad Stepdad shamelessly asked her considerable amounts of money, saying that they need to take what they can while Crazy Bitch is there.

We end Episode 15 with Tae Hee requesting a definite answer from Jae Hyuk, will he marry Tae Hee or not? She doesn't want to give the thought time, she wants an answer now.

Innocent Blood was excellent. The type of prose I like best and even the mystery worked - I didn't see the end revelations coming.

I have started Hülya Uçansu's Bir Uzun Mesafe Festivalcisinin Anıları (lit.translation Memoirs of a Long Distance Festival Organisor) telling what she has experiences in organising Istanbul Film Festival. So far we have had a short introduction in her life story from childhood to Uni and marriage and I have had to stop right where she decided to work as the Cinema Association part time. Well sounds promising so far.

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