Friday, October 5, 2012

Mawang - Rest of Episode 8 then Eps 9 & 10, Motherless Brooklyn - End, The Lake

This time it was not my dvd player but myself who conked out during episode 11. And it is so very strange since I'm loving, absolutely loving this show. It plays with all my buttons and I'm actually fully rooting for the good guys - even though the baddie has a strong cause and he is most handsome than all the other man on this drama combined (good actor too). But somehow for some reason (maybe too much sunflower seeds, ugh even thinking about them makes my stomach churn) I keep falling asleep. Puzzled by this. But so far Shing Min Ah is still courted by our two leads. O Su is slowly coming terms with what he did and we found out that he has killed Tae Hun accidentally. He didn't stick the knife in him but Tae Hun slipped and fell on top of O Su with the knife between them. So it really was an accident but one can see how it may be interpreted as being something else.

Meanwhile Seung Gi (and I can't help but remember Lee Seung Gi everytime someone says his name, despite the fact the actor and the character have nothing to do with Seung Gi and his entertainment persona) found out - via another photo send anonimously- that the woman is O Su Sister in Law. So he starts to blackmail the loyal friend and O Su is totally in the dark since loyal friend flushed the pics and Seung Gi doesn't want to lose his blackmail leverage.

The reporter is the one who received the tarot card (Moon) but he is oblivous to the danger, trying to turn his previous wrong (the biased pro Kang article he wrote at the time of the school incident) to right by furiously investigating everything. And doing a good job of it too. O Su tries to warn him and told him that he will keep on protecting him even though Reporter believes Kang to be a murderer who got away and keeps on insulting him left and right.

One of the more interesting twists was that Mawang actually changed identities with his best pal when he died getting hit by a truck hence completelty non recognisable. He looks after his best bud's blind Noona too (I know this sounds very melo but it doesn't seem to when you actually watch it). And then Mawang gets a tarot card in a yellow envelope (now we have three unresolved cards The Moon send to the reporter and O su and The Tower send to Mawang  by??). From my old days of looking Tarot (thank God for getting me out of that) I know that The Tower represents dissapointment, your expectations not coming true. It seems like a negative card but as with most of the tarot cards it can be a good thing since if you are dissapointed, you can change things to suit you better no? But the position of the card in your fortune setting is important. Here they just pass on one card without a fortune system so I'm thinking that someone is telling Mawang that his expectations will not come true. I fell asleep right around that time.

Motherless Brooklyn got better is it progressed but this writer and I do not see eye to eye and I don't ilke this type of prose. But it was a decent enough detective story. 

I have started The Lake by Banana Yoshimoto and immediately felt soothed by that certain particular style of Japanese prose. I have previously read two of Ms.Yoshimoto's books I think and remember that I liked Kitchen a lot -despite the fact that I can't remember anything about the book. The Lake is excellent as far as I'm concerned and it ended up being the perfect book to get over Motherless Brooklyn fail (fail belongs to me of course not the writer) 

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