Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Glass Slippers - End, Veda - End, Kushiel's Avatar

Last week was a holiday combo so I had lots of free time and I finished Glass Slippers on Sunday - 40 episodes of goodness it was. SPOILERS.

The second half of the show was tears tears and tears. Sometimes happy tears like when the sisters are united and sometimes tears of sadness and anger because they killed Chul Woong off at the last episode and he didn't even get to hear Yoon Hee say "I love you". She said it many times after he is dead but Chul Woong never got to hear it when he was alive.

It is good that Bad Dad and Bad Mom got to be better people. We understand it because She at least started to work and got rid of her heavy lipstick (a similar colour is what I'm wearing as I type this - heh). But Crazy Bitch remained crazy and evil until the end. At least she got to prison and regretted that she had a hand in Chul Woong's murder. She never redeemed though and Yoon Hee's attempts to make a better person out of her remained futile.
The interesting thing to me as far as Crazy Bitch and her actions go is how she got to pay to the evil gangster to murder Yoon Hee. Tae Hee find out from Seo Jun that Crazy Bitch slapped her sister and used their family name in a police station (that's how Yoon Hee and Seo Jun got to meet Crazy Bitch) and how they both pitied Crazy Bitch working as a bar girl (even though Crazy Bitch said that she doesn't like hard work and her only talents are drinking and dancing which she gets to do for free at this job). So Tae Hee meets Crazy Bitch, humiliates her, threatens her and throws a huge amount of money at her saying that this should keep her away from Yoon Hee. Now I hate Crazy Bitch but I'm more inclined to agree with Yoon Hee's behaviour towards her. Stupid Crazy Bitch kept accusing her of being fake nice but we know that Yoon Hee is sincere. I myself was accused of being fake nice while I was completely sincere - because I want to be a better person- so I could understand Yoon Hee. Even when everything was revealed she didn't want to lose Crazy Bitch, she tried to help her. This is the main reason why I love the "angel" archtype in K-dramas. They are geniunely good people.
So I'm having withdrawal syndroms even though they are not as severe.

Veda was excellent to the end and I'm hoping to get the other books too. This is the first book of a series.

And I have started Kushiel's Avatar by Jaqueline Carey. Now the only reason I got these books were I have heard that the first one was SM erotica. Well it was not and it was not that interesting either but I have already purchased three books and it was not completely horrible so I started to read Kushiel's Chosen which I LOVED. Phédre is a nice heroine and the books are not really SM erotica but fantasy books and their world is a good one (a fantasy Europe where Terre D'Ange is an AU France). These are adventure books and this one started very good. After the first one I was kind of sad to purchase three together without having more information about them but now I'm glad.

I have watched

My Best Friend's Wedding Hmmm. This one didn't lose its charm over me. I loved it the first time I saw it, loved it just as much no matter how many times I have seen it. This time was no exception. It was great right to the end.

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