Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Power of The Dog

The Power of The Dog is the sort of novel that slowly pulls you in. I didn't think I was into it until I started to listen at night before going to sleep (a sure sign that I like the novel) and towards the end I was listening to it as much as I possibly can. It is no surprise that I purchased The Cartel and I plan on purchasing The Police too. I love it when I read a good book :) 

Jerry Maguire

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Jerry Maguire is probably where Cameron Crowe has peaked and after all this time, I don't like it as much. Oh I have cried for sure but there was something about it that didn't sit well with me. 

Above The Law

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Above The Law turned out to be a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. I'm not mad about Steven Segal but I like Under Siege one and two. This film tells the story of some of the things mentioned in the novel I was reading and they colluded in a nice way. I love it when this happens.

All in all a good effort. Although Aikido is not a martial one enjoys watching as much. 


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Heathers I watched this one in the late 90s and didn't really care for it. I enjoyed it better this time. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Toni Erdmann

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Toni Erdmann I wanted to watch this for a long time. But not as much as to actively seek it out. I'm not very good with comedy so I didn't think I'd be very much entertained. And not surprisingly I was wrong. I actually laughed out loud at two places - remembering one of them still makes me laugh-. It has an unusual plot. An out of the norm middle aged man visits his daughter in Romania after his very old dog passed away. He wanted to celebrate her birthday because he realised when he saw her at a party (a fake b-day party) that she is not happy, in fact she lies to everyone that she is talking on the phone when in fact she just sits in the garden. Anway this man is a bit weird but in a good way. He carries fake teeth in his pocket and sometimes wears them. Anyway they had a not so good weekend and he leaves. But he comes back and involves himself in her work and private life. She sort of goes along with it and eventually we see that despite her stuck up appearance she is not that different from her father after all. I love this film. 

İstanbul Kırmızısı

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İstanbul Kırmızısı zaten ilk eleştirilerle beraber bu filme olan hevesim sönmüştü. Halit Ergenç Muhteşem Süleyman rolünde mükemmeldi ama bunun dışında bir türlü sevemiyorum kendisini. Tuba Büyüktüstün'ü seviyorum ve çok güzel buluyorum ancak iyi bir oyuncu değil maalesef. Ama Ferzan Özpetek filmlerine bayıldığım için yine de bir şeyler vardır sandım. Yoktu. Sanki filmi başka bir yönetmen çekmiş gibiydi. İzlediğim diğer Özpetek filmleriyle uzaktan yakından hiç bir benzerlik bulamadığım gibi, sürekli esnedim, bir yerde uyudum, geri sardım filan. Hiç bir anında en ufak bir duygu barındırmayan acayip bir filmdi. Umarım Ferzan Özpetek eski haline döner. 

Pearl Harbor


Pearl Harbor   SPOILERS!!!!

ok this is funny I have watched this film years ago in theatre. And for some reason I remember that Ben Affleck's character was the one who died. Seriously. So it was a huge surprise for me that Josh Harnett's character was the one who ended up dying.

Apart from this little memorty warp, the film is not very good. Oh the Pearl Harbor attack scenes are amazing but everything else is the opposite of amazing. Good thing I like both Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett since their performances were nearly as bad as Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Garner (in a small role). I only recommend the Pearl Harbor attack sequences, otherwise do not bother with this one.

The real Pearl Harbor is very nice and they have made a good memory for the people who passed away.

Friday The 13th

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Friday the 13th I think I watched this ages ago but it didn't leave any impression. Now I enjoyed it a lot. I was not scared but I was definitely entertained. 

Monday, September 25, 2017


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Moonlight  is directed by Barry Jenkins who I think loves Wong Kar Wai and actually gets him. Kudos that he made a film influenced by WKW's style and is good but definitely not directed by WKW. I think it is a good example of how you can be influenced by a director and still make your own film. Would homage be the right word for this? And as usual with ALL Wong Kar Wai films, I started to cry in the first 15 minuted and continue silent tears until the end. It is a good film and definitely better than La La Land (referring to the Oscar mix up). Highly recommended. 

Original Sin

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Original Sin   my God it is one of the most boring films I have ever watched. I actually fell asleep during some of it but included here since I watched this in theatre ages ago (back when I used to watch every film in theatres). Even the actors who usually are good (Antonio Banderas in Spanish films, Thomas Jane) are very bad in this one and I think it is the directors' approach that makes them over act and pose. Avoid.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

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Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a film I liked when I first watched it, and I liked it just as fine this second time around. Yes, tears were shed. 

Red Rising

Red Rising turned out to be "not bad" but didn't reach to "actually good" levels (to quote a goodreads reviewer) I enjoyed reading it but didn't fall in love with it. It is not The Hunger Games but I guess it is better than City of Bones. And as many people mentioned in the reviews I thought this was YA but apparently it is adult. I don't know why. 

Mad Men

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Mad Men turned out to be very very good. So much so that since Netflix only had the 5 seasons I have watched the last 2 on line at a pirated site. I figured it would not be considered stealing since it is an old show now.

I loved it from the first season but for some reason didn't follow it up. This time though I was definitely hooked. The characters are interesting and I would have put it on top three if didn't end like that.


First off all poor Betty, everybody smoked like a chimney but only she got the bad. I always felt that the show was cold towards her. Despite having similar inabilities as Don we inadverdantly sympathise with Don while dislike Betty.

I didn't like Peggy's ending either. The whole thing felt a bit forced for some reason (no fault of the actors) Peggy deserved a lot better in my opinion.

Roger got a very good deal. This man always ended up winning for some reason. He is not a bad person but I never really liked him. And I like Julia Ormond and how lovely she aged. Great lady and it was nice to see her character happy.

Now Pete also got it very good. Despite not being a very decent person, Pete is one of the characters I like best on the show and I was very happy for him.

Joan is someone I like too despite not agreeing with some of her choices. I loved it that she ended up a successful businesswoman and she didn't fall for the temptations of a good, lazy life with a nice man on hand, her child's future secure. She likes working and she chose to work. Good for her!

And Don. I don't agree with his ending. I mean I loved the way he realised that other people too feel the way he feels but his reaction was somehow felt fake. This man is not someone who can open up, but in the end, the great Don Draper (Dick) ended up in a hippy retreat Ohm'ing his way to happiness.

Despite the below par ending, I still loved the show and had a great time watching it. I highly recommend.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give turned out to be a nice tidy YA novel with a lot of heart and good storytelling however not much depth. It didn't bother me though since I felt a lot of sincerity reading it (more than once through tears) 

The Couple Next Door

The Couple Next Door turned out to be a nice little crime mystery. However I don't think it made a lasting impression. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Young Adult

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Young Adult is the film that made me like Charlise Theron as an actress and I'm grateful even for that. There is something about this film that appeals to me, other than Theron's amazing acting that is. The whole feel and mood of the film feels both real life like and surreal at the same time. I can't really describe it but I love it and have seen it more than 3 times already (and liked it every time). 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box didn't dissapoint. I was expecting an interesting story and got it. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Green Mile

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The Green Mile  even though it has been ages since I read the novel and watched the film, I still loved it and (fell for Brutus again) and cried my heart out. 

Just Go With It

Just Go With It yeah I watched it again. It is a weakness in me. 


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Goldfinger was not as good as Dr. No. I really liked Oddjob as the evil sidekick though.

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Scorpion King

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The Scorpion King and how exactly did I miss this film when it came out? I love The Rock, I love Fantasy genre and action films. And this turned out to be a nice little time pass with a good looking Rock to feast eyes on. 

Thelma and Louise

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Thelma and Louise is a film I appreciate more as I age. I remember the time I watched it on theater the first time and I didn't get then even half of what I got from it now. 

Despicable Me

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Despicable Me made me curious. I have watched and kind of liked Despicable Me 2 but I couldn't understand the whole fascination with the Minions (enough to warrant their own film). I really enjoyed it in the end but it is not at the same level as Up. 

La Fille Inconnue

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La Fille Inconnue (The Unknown Girl) Dardenne Brothers are great directors and story tellers. I have watched 3 of their films so far and they have a certain distinctive style and the way they tell the stories are amazing. This one especially moved me deeply. Every part of the story was effective and felt from the heart. I love the heroine, intrepid doctor whose conscience caused her to realise what she really wanted to do with her profession. I loved her interactions with the other characters and her serious, seemingly cold but actually very sympathetic demeanor, the way she treats people. And I love how honest she is with herself. I hope more people are like her. 

La Vie D'une Autre

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La Vie D'une Autre (Another Woman) I chose because I liked the plot. Specifically I liked the "making the man fall for her again" part of the plot. However the film was cut (during the two love scenes especially jarring since obviously something happened in the first one) and I didn't like it that much. The story is interesting though and I like Juliette Binoche and Mathieu Kassovitz. This woman wakes up one that and sees that she has lived 10 years without remembering anything about them. The last thing she remembers is her birthday party. Firstly she has a son, she married to the man she fell in love at first sight and she is rich. But slowly she finds out that she is career oriented and on the verge of a divorce (the process initiated by her). She is at a high position at a prestigious firm and is having an affair. And she doesn't understand any of it. Her mother doesn't talk to her, her invalid father is dead and her husband is aloof and doesn't treat her nicely.  Her son is going to elementary school and he loves her but she realises that she doesn't spend time with him. These wouldn't have been the worst things but she is the woman 10 years ago. Happy, confident, not rich but with the promise of a good career ahead of her. She is in love, she cares for her family, her dad and her mother, she has a great best friend and one day she wakes up to find herself this cold woman who enjoys different things. As I said I liked the plot but the film, not so much.


At least it had a sort of happy ending.

Close Encounters of The Third Kind


Close Encounters of The Third Kind is a film I don't really know why I have not watched. Here is the thing, I love Richard Dreyfuss and I like Steven Spielberg. It is just that aliens and sci fi are not my thing. Anyway I had time this weekend and I watched and enjoyed this one. Richard Dreyfuss was very good. 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Stranger Things


Stranger Things was a TV show I stayed away most probably because it got all the attentiona and is loved by everyone. I should really shake that stupid habbit of staying away from popular stuff (I would have missed reading Harry Potter of Game of Thrones novels if the -different- sales people insisted that I gave them a try).

Of course this ended up being something I thoroughly enjoyed despite being ill. It is from the 80s (my teen years!) and it is a horror show but an emotional one. There is also experiments on gifted kids (I immediately remembered Firestarter AND the show made a reference to it), nerdy kids helping out to a super gifted but socially incompetent kid who escaped the lab. Young love and friendship. And Winona Ryder who is excellent in this and aged so well without visible plastic surgery or botox or collagen.

I highly recommend. 

Dark Corners

Dark Corners is the usual treat you get from a Ruth Rendell novel. I wish I liked her Inspector Wexford as much as liked her non Wexford books (this is a non). I loved it and was sad when it ended. 


Private is given to Audible users free of charge and I remembered that once upon a time I used to like James Patterson (I loved Kiss The Girls and liked Along Came a Spider). Well it was free so got it (who turns down free books?). Anyway it turned to be the cotton candy of action thrillers. No substance to any of the characters and you kind of enjoy it while it lasts but wish you spend your calories to something more worthwhile (and the cotton candy allegory fits in the sense I would have liked it a lot better if I was a teenager)  


Triptych turned out to be a decent read. But for some reason it just didn't engross me as it would have years and many books ago. 

Dancer's Lament

Dancer's Lament was not bad but it was not very good either. I don't think I'll continue with this series. 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sin Filtro (Without Filter)

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Sin Filtro (Without Filter) I only watched because I, for some reason am unable to watch Pan's Labyrynth on Blutv. Every single time it stucks before starting and this doesn't happen to any other film just this one. Anyway I decided to check this one out since I liked the plot and I enjoyed this Chilean film with a heavy feminist message. Spoilers.

I especially loved the fact that she chose to remain single. How come no one understands that a person can be happy alone? I like it that this film does.

However the Spanish was a bit difficult. The Chileans have a different accent and it was really hard even to understand a few words. But it definitely is not a wasted efforts and I managed to figure out at least one whats app conversation :) 

The Interview

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The Interview turned to be one of those not so good film that I liked for no particular reason. I only watched it because of the current actions of North Korea and the film ended up being lackluster. 

My Best Friend's Wedding

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My Best Friend's Wedding turns out to be just as good as I remembered it. I have watched it a number of times but not recently and it is a testament to Ms. Roberts' likeability that she makes this cute villain really someone I did not hate. The writers did a good job of course :) Anyway this one is a keeper if you like romantic comedy. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Rouge One

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Rouge One turned out to be alright though not spectacular. I liked the overall mood of it and I love Diego Lune ever since Y Tu Mama Tambien (I must be the only person who prefered -and still prefers- him to Gael Garcia Bernal). Anyway there was Donnie Yen in all his overacting glory (man I dislike this actor who is actually a great action director) and Wen Jiang who did much better performance wise. It might be a better film than I thought because I don't really like Felicity Jones either and I still watched and liked the film. 

Kill Bill Volume 2

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Kill Bill Volume 2 is my second favorite Tarantino film. To be fair I like all his films but this one comes a close second after Pulp Fiction.  I never get sick of it no matter how many times I watch it and no matter how well I remember the scenes. 

Kill Bill Volume 1

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Kill Bill Volume 1 is good film. I don't know how many times I have watched it but I still enjoy each viewing and the film seems even better after multiple viewings. This one was cut in the oddest scenes though and it took away some of the pleasure. 

Dr. No

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Dr. No before anything else I want to confess that I'm not really a Bond fan. Especially the films. The first Bond novel I have read was Casino Royale and instantly I was hooked. However despite liking Goldfinger the novel, the infatuation vaned and I stopped reading Bond novels after three of them. The same with Bond films, I just couldn't muster enthusiasm for them despite liking Golden Eye. Of course Casino Royale is the exception. I love the film and have seen multiple times. I guess I just like the story of Casino Royale. Anyway I remember trying to watched this one and no been able to for some reason. Now that I have finished it, it is a decent film. I suspect, my mother liked it more than I did though (she has watched the final explosion twice because I had to go somewhere and had to rewind). 

Senden Bana Kalan

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Senden Bana Kalan tarafımdan seçildi zira korku filmleri biraz fazla gelmeye başlamıştı. Bende melodrama yöneleyim dedim. Bu filmin G.Kore orjinalini izleyip epey gözyaşı dökmüştüm ama Türk versiyonuna bu kadar ağlamayı hiç beklemiyordum. Ama ne ağlamak. Resmen ağlamaktan yorgun düştüm. Aslında güzel bir film de değildi pek, oyuncular fena değildi ama karakterlere göre yaşlı duruyorlardı. Neyse çok ağladım hele sonunda Ölünce Sevemezsem Seni şarkısı çalarken salya sümük, bitap bir halde kalakaldım. Herkeste aynı etkiyi yapmayacaktır büyük ihtimalle. 

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

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Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol was really entertaining the first time I watched it. I enjoyed the fact that not evertything worked for our intrepid team right away and they not only had to fight technical difficulties but also miracle of miracles they did not land at the exact spot they wanted to land. However I didn't like it as much in this second viewing. Simon Pegg irks me and Paula Patton is just too smug (maybe she is not like that in real life but she comes off that way on screen). 

Eden Lake

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Eden Lake attracted me because it is British. Blutv is not user friendly and I didn't even realise that Michael Fassbender was starring in it until I actually saw him. Anyway this one affected me.


The film opens up with a nice couple. The guy wants to propose and wants to do it at a special place so he takes her (a kindergarten teacher) to a place called Eden Lake where they flooded a quarry I guess and he went there before to dive with some friends of his.

The trip does not start well, a B&B with noisy children and couples arguing but despite the negatives these two seem happy. She is kind and understanding. Finally they arrive to their destination but we get an ominous feel right away (when we see the back of a billboard where the locals voiced their opinions on city folk) yeah it is a sort of a Deliverence story. Only the villain(s) is a teenager who somehow manages to influence a whole gang. I think only three of them have violent tendencies and the other three want out but he puts peers pressure on them and makes them to horrible things to the male part of the couple. She outmanuvers them and manages to escape only to fall in the hands of their parents and die horribly (we are spared watching her die but she is put into the bathroom by three men) And the little psycho got away with it. The final shot is him staring into the mirror not even slightly perturbed.

This one came as a shock since I didn't see it coming. I thought that she'd get away and I was evidently rooting for her. I was kind of crushed in the end. 

Apple Tree Yard

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Apple Tree Yard didn't really interest me at first but I didn't have any other particular must sees so I gave it a try. And I'm glad I did since this ended up being the rare occasions where I didn't see the twist coming. And I liked the fact that the female lead is middle aged. The abundance of intimate scenes who were not really very good annoyed me but this one is worth viewing.

I wished I read the novel. 


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Kristy was leaving Blutv and I was in the mood for horror (as usual) so I gave it a try and I ended up being pleasantly surprised. The story is about a hard working college student who has to stay at the campus during Thanksgiving (since the ticket prices rise and she can't afford it) the plan is to stay with her obviously wealthy dorm room mate but she leaves on an impromtu trip to Aspen (her father suddenly decides to take the whole family there) she invites her but she prefers to stay. There is a security guard at the entrance of her building and one at the main gate (but he will leave at 22:00) Unfortunately she is targeted by pyschos who like to kill female college students naming them all Kristy and treating the whole thing as a game. Well this final girl showed them all. I really liked how intelligent, strong and resourceful this lady was. In the end, despite her boyfriend's horrible death, I felt good since she killed all the assholes and informed their online link to the police (apparently this game is being played in all cities). It was unexpectedly good. 

Kimi No Na Wa

Kimi No Na Wa yes I have watched it in theater (hence the crumpled ticket) and it had been a real internal struggle not to watch it pirated on line. I actually started and not even a minute in I stopped (thank God). Anyway this was a very pleasant theater and they served popcorn and soda for two liras together with the ticket. The other 5 viewers were Japanese and I was so happy since I know they would not speak and just as I thought they stayed there until the credits end (well I didn't actually see them wait but they do it in Japan and usually I'll the be the only person getting up before they end and it happened here).

The film itself turned out to be not bad but it is not Miyazaki Hayao caliber. I loved the old school animation and I cried a bit towards the end and generally enjoyed it. The problem as far as I'm concerned was time travel. It is my second least favorite trope in any type of fiction (the least favorite is war) and I probably would have loved this a lot more if it was a different plot.

Of course there are exceptions to the rule and I love Korean film Il Mare that has a time travel plot but it is probably the only one (I didn't even like the remake). 

Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix (the film)

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Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix is my least watched Harry Potter film. Now that I think of it, this is probably because Sirius is murdered in this one. I liked him so much that I remember being really down after finishing this novel (probably what the author has intented). And the film I only watched once and now the second time. It was as upsetting an experience as the first one, and not only because Sirius dies (and I know that he'll die) but I despise Dolores Umbridge. She is horrible and it is not pleasant to watch her torment everyone. Anyway it was not as bad as I remembered but still upsetting. And yes I felt more upset when Sirius died then when Dumbledore died. 

Ouija: Origin of Evil

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Ouija: Origin of Evil was there on Dvdigi and I kind of like Ouija themed horror. I was expecting found footage and pleasantly surprised that it is not found footage. Although I don't like the lead actress Elizabeth Reaser for no particular reason. Anyway it didn't put me to sleep but it was not scary either. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


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Moana was actually an animated film I was eager to watch (since I love Hawaii) and it turned out to be good film with positive messages and nice visuals and I'll confess to crying my heart out but only because I love Hawaii.