Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Kimi No Na Wa

Kimi No Na Wa yes I have watched it in theater (hence the crumpled ticket) and it had been a real internal struggle not to watch it pirated on line. I actually started and not even a minute in I stopped (thank God). Anyway this was a very pleasant theater and they served popcorn and soda for two liras together with the ticket. The other 5 viewers were Japanese and I was so happy since I know they would not speak and just as I thought they stayed there until the credits end (well I didn't actually see them wait but they do it in Japan and usually I'll the be the only person getting up before they end and it happened here).

The film itself turned out to be not bad but it is not Miyazaki Hayao caliber. I loved the old school animation and I cried a bit towards the end and generally enjoyed it. The problem as far as I'm concerned was time travel. It is my second least favorite trope in any type of fiction (the least favorite is war) and I probably would have loved this a lot more if it was a different plot.

Of course there are exceptions to the rule and I love Korean film Il Mare that has a time travel plot but it is probably the only one (I didn't even like the remake). 

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