Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Eden Lake

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Eden Lake attracted me because it is British. Blutv is not user friendly and I didn't even realise that Michael Fassbender was starring in it until I actually saw him. Anyway this one affected me.


The film opens up with a nice couple. The guy wants to propose and wants to do it at a special place so he takes her (a kindergarten teacher) to a place called Eden Lake where they flooded a quarry I guess and he went there before to dive with some friends of his.

The trip does not start well, a B&B with noisy children and couples arguing but despite the negatives these two seem happy. She is kind and understanding. Finally they arrive to their destination but we get an ominous feel right away (when we see the back of a billboard where the locals voiced their opinions on city folk) yeah it is a sort of a Deliverence story. Only the villain(s) is a teenager who somehow manages to influence a whole gang. I think only three of them have violent tendencies and the other three want out but he puts peers pressure on them and makes them to horrible things to the male part of the couple. She outmanuvers them and manages to escape only to fall in the hands of their parents and die horribly (we are spared watching her die but she is put into the bathroom by three men) And the little psycho got away with it. The final shot is him staring into the mirror not even slightly perturbed.

This one came as a shock since I didn't see it coming. I thought that she'd get away and I was evidently rooting for her. I was kind of crushed in the end. 

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