Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dr. No

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Dr. No before anything else I want to confess that I'm not really a Bond fan. Especially the films. The first Bond novel I have read was Casino Royale and instantly I was hooked. However despite liking Goldfinger the novel, the infatuation vaned and I stopped reading Bond novels after three of them. The same with Bond films, I just couldn't muster enthusiasm for them despite liking Golden Eye. Of course Casino Royale is the exception. I love the film and have seen multiple times. I guess I just like the story of Casino Royale. Anyway I remember trying to watched this one and no been able to for some reason. Now that I have finished it, it is a decent film. I suspect, my mother liked it more than I did though (she has watched the final explosion twice because I had to go somewhere and had to rewind). 

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