Friday, June 21, 2013

Through The Looking Glass - End, Majou no Jouken - End, Sorun Bendeymiş

Sorun Bendeymiş Follow up of Sorun Bende Değil Sende ( I think this is best translated as "It's Not Me It's You) and it can be best translated as It Was Me Afterall. In the first book Pelin was devastated after her boyfriend of 4 years dumped her and got married in less than 6 months. The book was a sort of analysis of men a late 20s early 30s career woman may come across in the search of 'the one' (end result - no successful, in the last chapter her ex called just as she was ready to live without a man). In this one Pelin takes us how she met with her ex (maybe soon to be non ex) and goes through the relationship in all its stages. I like this girl's fashion blog where she snarks at the international celebs, and that is the reason I got these books but even though I like her prose it doesn't have a distinctive tone. And I'm kind of over this sort of thing after going through all of these with PuCCa (who is a much better writer). But I'm also entertained by this book and think it better than the first one (while with PuCCa I think the first was the best of the three).

And I have stayed up and finally finished Majou no Jouken, otherwise it will get stuck there and I'd never be able to watch anything new. It is not so bad as to make me completely abandon it (like did Celebrity Sweetheart - I can't believe I feel guilty over this) but it is not something I'm attached to either. I guess finally I didn't understand the leads. I get their love and at one point felt for them since they were being pressured from all over and tried to survive. But as the show progressed I felt that all of their problems would be solved if they only wait for one year. Anyway, this, sadly was not a good purchase.

Through The Looking Glass ended without a bang and I think Alice was much better in the first book. The explanations in the end was half as thick as Through the Looking Glass.

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