Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Beethoven Virus - End, Cehennem Öyküleri - End, Stranger in My Arms

Last night against logic, I have stayed up late and finished the last remaining four episodes of Beethoven Virus. And I loved it right to the end. Kim Myung Min, you rock!!! :)

Cehennem Öyküleri is also finished (it was a small book) and I liked it very much too. And now on a totally different note, I have started yet another romance novel, what can I do? I love them.

This one is called Stranger In My Arms and is written by Lisa Kleypas, a well liked romance novelist and I can see why. I'm already much into it despite the obvious lack of adult scenes - and is it just me or romance novels are getting tamer? Maybe I should look into adult novels... Anyway, this one introduces us to our kind hearted heroine whose husband has died at a ship wreck, and she never liked him anyway since he was a selfish man who didn't give her pleasure in bed. She sort of swore off sex because of her husband's attitude. Well surprise surprise he shows up after two years and even though he looks like him (only thinner), he doesn't act anything like him. And her body seems to be telling her that. So far they have been very chaste.

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