Monday, June 24, 2013

Sorun Bendeymiş - End, True Blood Season 5 - End, Alif The Unseen

 Sorun Bendeymiş ended on a high note (unpredictably) and she has already written another book about what happens after. Well I have already bought it so may as well read it in near future (probably while I'm fasting and don't need my brain cells).

So I have started a new book:

Now I need to admit that the main reason I chose it is that Alif is my name. To be honest I'm not normally interested in stories in Middle East. But I'm still experiencing the book draught and this one seemed interesting. It is about a hacker/web site body guard and so far I'm loving it. Simply loving it. I hope I continue to!

And True Blood Season Five ended with a bang

I know that it is not cool to like this show anymore (as it is not cool to like Grey's Anatomy) but I like it even better with each season. And Êric is turning out to be such a good guy.

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