Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Failed Attempt:The Mirror Cracked

Ok last night I have attempted to watch this film I have recorded. It is one of BBC's (?) Agatha Christie series. This one was Ms.Marple and I have simply fallen asleep throughout and was only awake at the beginning and at the end. Seriously I think that I'd love this sort of thing. I'm a fan of Christie and read I think all of her Poirot novels and I love BBC period dramas and then how come every single time I'm trying to watch one of these (whether Poirot or one of the Marple's - there are two different actors for Marple) I manage to fall asleep??? It is Criminal Minds all over again (yes, whenever I try to watch a Criminal Minds episode I fall asleep about 10 minutes in)

Thank God that Alif The Unseen is going great. I actually had to stop myself from reading it last night since I don't want to finish it too soon. 

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