Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sorun Bende Değil Sende - End, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Little Prince

Well last night I kind of crashed into sleep. Maybe this is some sort of coping mechanism for what's happening around me (things are not very well in my country right now) so last night was sleep sleep sleep. I have finished Sorun Bende Değil Sende and liked it better towards the end. It is just that these books are for mid twenties early thirties career girls who look for love. It was entertaining though and now that I have purchased the other two books, it looks like I'll continue to be informed about the quest for love :)

Meanwhile I have started reading two books :

Küçük Prens (I think everyone knows this and if they don't they should)  This is one of the times I need the comfort of a special book and Little Prince comes to assistance. We need to understand eachother and respect our life choices.

At the same time I have started

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland well I have read it when I was a kid (probably too young to understand it) but never felt much of an Alice fan. This seemed to be a good time to give this one another chance in this small fiction draught of mine. I like English books so there is no need to be afraid I guess. I'm scared that I'm not going to like it.

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