Monday, June 10, 2013

Majou No Jouken Eps 1-2

Hmmmm it was on an impulse buy I purchased this. The story is about the romantic love between a teacher and her student. She is very young and pretty (well off and well connected parents, a decent fiance) and he is a teen full of angst (rich, dad passed away, mom is sleeping with a subordinate). They are attracted to each other and he has no problem admitting it but she is trying very hard not to give in. And she should you know, she is his teacher!!!!! But then again who am I to judge? And they don't make it easy by making the kid a capable adultish mature person, he is troubled, very young and looks like he just graduated from elementary school. So far I'm interested, watching the teacher struggle with her desire (and to be fair I think they are soul mates or something and both actors are capable enough to make me think it the first time they met) and the way she wants things. The woman has everything, loving parents who spoil her, a nice job she likes where she is doing ok (not very well mind you but ok), a decent fiancé who likes her and is eager and ready to live a life with her -he is a bit of an oaf loud and not with very good manners but he is a happy person who trusts her and wants her to keep working after marriage because -wait for it-  one of the things he likes about her is how passionate she is about her job.
So it seems like everything is going for her but she is not happy. She doesn't want to get married to this man but at the same time she is not ready to confront the obvious truth. She wants to be the good daughter, wonderful fiancé, cool teacher and is not ready to give up those for the thing she really wants. Spending time with her student and get to know him that way.

He on the other hand is a troubled kid. His father passed away and his mother took over the hospital he owned. The kid is groomed to be the heir. On the other hand there is an ambitious doctor in the hospital who has an affair with the kid's mom and wants the hospital for himself. The kid's mom is under his thumb. And the kid actually witness them make love in her office. That one was even more traumatic because now he thinks of his mom as a woman and his hormones kick in everytime he sees the teacher (who is a bit younger than his mom but they look similar in some ways).

I don't happiness for these two but the conflicts are interesting.

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