Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Retreat, Jack and Jill, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Pillars of the Earth - End, The Housekeeper + The Professor

Well yesterday was a bank holiday and everyone was out so I get to stay at home and watch films all day :)

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel I liked it a lot but it is not that good a film. I have shed A LOT of tears during. And I have missed India so much.

Retreat It was a decent viewing but nothing really special

Jack and Jill I have a weakness for Adam Sandler. This film, while it did so poor at the box office and got bad reviews was hillarious to me and I have had a good time with it.

Breakfast at Tiffany's Perfect. The more I watch this film, the more I like it. The only thing I would change in it is Mickey Rooney.

The Pillars of the Earth  This book was intense. I loved it despite it being a little over its head in the last section. At least it was a happy ending. Lovers united, villains got their just desserts and all was well in Kingsbridge in the end.

And this happy but tired reader turned to a completely different book
(I have finally recevied all my orders from amazon and am so so happy, I was able to order secondhand books this time since my manager was kind enough to allow me to give their home address and he brought all of them with him, and this morning I have received my order from amazon usa Thank God. Yippeeee!!!)

The Housekeeper + The Professor written by Yoko Ogawa, and I have finished the first chapter which brought me much happiness in that particular clean Japanese translated to English, prose. This one is so far different from The Diving Pool (which was deliciously sinister). So far we have a disabled maths professor (he only has 80 minutes of memory and then it is erased, he cannot build new memories) and a successful housekeeper who is proud of his job and they managed to find a way to communicate. Let's see what will happen next :)

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