Friday, May 3, 2013

The Thieves, The Housekeeper + The Professor - End, Heart Shaped Box

The Thieves is fun and entertaining. Yeah it had lots of plot holes but for a heist film it flowed well and more importantly action scenes were good. I could tell who is who and who is doing what. I would not call it the height of good film making but I'm very glad of the purchase and see myself viewing it more than once.

The Housekeeped + The Professor was so so good. I liked a lot better than The Diving Pool. And this is coming from someone who doesn't really care for mathematics :)

I have started to read  Heart Shaped Box written by Joe Hill (who apparently is Stephen King's son) and so far I think the talent did not bypass Mr.Hill. The book is good, not as great as Mr.King's but a lot better than many out there. I'm curious to see how it will progress.
This is about a man who is an ageing heavy metal rock star with a taste for macabre/weird. He purchases the suit of a dead old man which the seller claimed that is haunted by the ghost of the old man. But now it turns out that the old man is the step dad of one of the groupies who he lived with for some time and then dumped (this is a habit of his) and this girl who was clinically depressed has killed herself and this is the revenge of her sister and the dad (who was a hypnotist when he was alive and instructed the sister on what to do to get their revenge this way).

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