Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Best Love - Episode 14, The Cellar - End, Gizli Anların Yolcusu

Last night I was in tears in this second viewing of Best Love, I don't think I have cried the first time... I love the characters and their nobility.

The Cellar ended and I had a good ride although I have to say some parts were disgusting. Mr.Laymon has the rythm and the talent but he can be oh so sick sometimes.

And I'll take a break from the triology (the one following The Cellar is the Beast House) and started a different book, a love story I think between two men. The title is Gizli Anların Yolcusu (lit.translation: Traveller of Secret Moments) well if you treat the title as a mini acrostiche then you get gay. This one was a best seller (but then again Ayşe Kulin's books usually are). At the initial pages we are introduced to one of the characters who is married and has a daughter. They had a son too but he died in a traffic accident and his wife never really got over it. This man is the owner of a publishing company. Ayşe Kulin doesn't really have a distinctive prose style but she is a good story teller and I find myself immediately drawn to the book.

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