Thursday, May 9, 2013

Greatest Love

Yeah, yesterday evening I was looking at all the yet unwatched pile of films and dramas and suddenly I have had the urge to watch Greatest Love again. And after 2 episodes I have stayed up and watched the third one too.
I simply love Cha Seung Won on screen. Not only he is handsome (former male model) but he is also manly, funny, emotional and vulnerable. A dangerous combo. Gong Hyo Jin is not an actor I really like but the female character is such a good one (although the show is more about our male lead Dokko Jin) honest, hard working and kind that I keep rooting for her.

Meanwhile Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is going very good. The spy thing is not really my cup of tea but I love how very British it is and I also like a good mystery. Our protagonist Smiley is trying to expose a mole in an English spy organisation. We have some candidates but nothing is clear yet.

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