Monday, May 27, 2013

Revenge-End, Death in Holy Orders, Süt, Trouble With The Curve, The Fourth Kind, The Usual Shows

Revenge writen by Yoko Ogawa ended and I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. Now I need to get my hands on Hotel Iris.

And I have started the last of the books I have got in the second hand book fair.
Death in Holy Orders by P.D James. Now James is writer whose books I enjoy reading but for some reason not seek further fiction by her. As expected I'm enjoying this one very much.

Süt  (lit.trans. Milk) is the second film of director Semih Kaplanoğlu's Yusuf triology (the first two stories didn't have anything to do with each other apart from the location and a few actors playing different roles).
Now it didn't appeal to me as well as the first one. It has good cinematography and a decent story but I didn't like the female lead Başak Köklükaya who is a good actor but looks and acts to urban to give life to a villiage belle who milks cows and makes cheese etc. for a living. Anyway it was not a total loss but I don't think I want to watch it again either.

Trouble With The Curve For some reason I have left this one long recorded in Digitürk. But I gave it a shot (lacking more desirable films) and one of the things I like most happened. A film discarded some growing 'to be viewed' pile turning out to be very good. Well at least it was to me. Now I'm partial to Clint Eastwood both as an actor and director (this film is directed by Robert Lorentz and lacks Clint's thoughtful little touches) and he is the lead actor in this lovely and good natured melodrama. Maybe I like it a lot because it represented an ideal ending which we will probably not get in real life. A disturbing amount of tears were shed during this.

The Fourth Kind this one was on loan from a colleague and it didn't suit me well. Alien abduction stories are not my thing and I have falled asleep at some point (but woke up very soon after)

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