Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rooftop Prince Eps 3-4, Dark Places

Rooftop Prince continues to be adorable and fluffy with some low degree angst (the issues are high degree but the angst is mixed since I have not yet bonded with any of these characters).

Dark Places on the other hand continues to own me with each page. Libby is now beginning to think that maybe her brother Ben is after all innocent like so many people around her are saying. There is also the money issue but I think she is beginning to get into this and would go on even without the money. Of course with each chapter more is revealed such as Ben's unfortunate dating with a 5th grader (the 5th grader is very mature and sort of leads him on but of course this is no excuse) and his mother getting an official complaint (also she hears it from Aunt Diane who visits the morning of the murders). Meanwhile Ben goes out of school in a very crappy mood (not only he was caught looking into a cupboard in the locker room he was cleaning but also 5th grade teacher caught him sneaking around kid's cupboards in their classroom. So he goes to a hangout where he has been before with his nasty girlfriend where he met the satanist guy. The people who hang there are 20 and older and he is just 15. So he talks about Satan etc. to impress them and get free beer and joints. Furthermore before going to school he had an accident with his bike and he has a bleeding head wound (which is no doubt clouding his judgement). Trey the satanist takes him out of there to hang at the nasty girlfriend's house (her parents are never around) to wait for her (she is out of town in the morning). I'm scared for Ben now and what would those weirdos do...

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