Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Aaiya is a very entertaining film. There is no way of knowing whether it is my voluntary drought of Indian films or whether these films genuinely appeal to me since now it is two out of two- yay! It is not a secret that I love Rani Mukherjee and she is so good in this one. From the dancing, to the mugging, the acting and generally being cute she lights the screen up. Prithviraj is not my type of handsome man but I had no trouble believing in Rani's crush on him and it is kind of funny that even at the role reversals stalking is a type of courtship as far as the Indian films go.

The things I didn't like were Rani's family, they were over the top, especially the grandma. This is not the fault of the actors though since I think they were directed this way. Other than that I really enjoyed this film and it also visually appealed to me.

I can recommend this one without any problems but know this that it is the type of film you need to be at the same wavelength to enjoy. And lucky for me, I was.

Meanwhile The Unconsoled gets more interesting with each page. I think Mr.Ryder is a type of person who absorbs general depression and unhappiness - through an art medium, in his case it is a piano. But the way he goes from person to person with leaving the previous person just there makes the whole thing a bit dreamlike coutering the science fiction angle. But eitherway the prose is so good that to be still in the beginning of it makes me happy since it won't end so soon.

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