Monday, December 24, 2012


Well thank God my films have arrived safely and I have decided to give Players a try first.

Being ready for yet another dud film starring Abhi (Dus levels of suckage) I have found myself entertained throughout although probably not the way the film makers intended. It felt like a 70s film (nothing to do with Vinod Khanna guest starring in it) and everyone, and I mean everyone's performances were so bad that I actually found myself laughing out loud. Seriously star kids (and Bipasha), seriously. This one is so bad that it ended up being good - for me. Two things to note:

* Even in this cast Bobby Deol stood out. He was hillarious really. It is quite an accomplishment to act worse than Sonam, NNM, Abhi and Bipasha combined but the guy did.
* Abhi, why do I love you? In this film your acting was on par with everyone else (except Bobby that is), you don't look good, you can't dance. Why? But I do, love you. The heart wants what it wants....- is my consolation for this unexplained and seemingly permanent crush.

The Unconsoled is turning out to be very weird. It went into Murakami territory for a while but now it exceeded that and I'm getting curious. Will this turn out to be science fiction like Never Let Me Go? or is there something wrong with our hero Mr.Ryder?

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