Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rooftop Prince - End

I couldn't hold myself and watched the last episodes of Rooftop Prince (and a little of the special features) last night. The last two episodes I was in tears and it ended on a beautiful note.Logically it didn't make any sense but it was fun and the last two episodes made me realise that I cared about some of the characters more than I thought I was. This is a win :)

Crimson is going good. It is not a great book and it especially feels thin in comparison with Dark Places but I think it was just what I needed. Rich romance writer and her three grandaughters and her considerable inheritence. The book is now telling me how Elinor (Grandma) has become what she is now, and I do like its hillariously unsubtle feminist messages but it is just not very good prose. At least the story is interesting enough to make me want to read more.

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