Thursday, December 27, 2012

Rich Man, Poor Woman Eps.1-3

Yes thank God the three dramas I have ordered have safely arrived and I have already started Rich Man, Poor Woman. This show is loved by everyone I read online and I really like Oguri Shun and I'm enjoying the drama but the lead lady has such fat lips (not like Angelina Jolie's, a different fatness, these look like meatballs) that I'm constantly distracted in a bad way whenever she is on screen which is all the time since she is the lead lady. Well I'll have to get over that since the drama is really nice.

There is the damaged Genius billionaire dot com inventor etc. with a shady not genius but cunning partner. Our heroine is a plucky girl who graduated from one of the best universities in Tokyo but cannot find a job since she is very timid. Our leads meet and they complete each other. He gives her confidence she helps with his memory (he has a memory deficiency) and makes him more human by giving tips on being nice to people.

But she came on his radar only because she faked her name. The first time these two met was in a small seaside town (he doesn't remember it because of his memory illness) and he was looking for his mother - whose name our heroine used to get is attention when they first met-, our girl already knows the mother but she explains that she doesn't want to meet her son - it is weird but she just doesn't, one of the reasons for that, only one of the reasons mind you, is that the son will ask why she left him- anyway she makes our girl promise not to tell anyone. At the initial questions she keeps her promise but as the young man stays at her family's small inn, she gets to know and like him better so she begs the mother to tell her son but she cannot find her and then she decides to tell him anyway but when she returned to the inn he had already left.
So she uses the name of the mother -one of the few names our hero remembers- to get his attention, and it worked. And now she wants to tell him the truth (his sly partner already knows and wants her to keep the charade up) and gets drunk but both of them are in such a good mood which turned out to be like an impromptu date or something, she just keeps on delaying the confession and then accidentally slips it out - but of course not the whole story, just the bad bits- and he says that he never wants to see her face again :(

The Unconsoled is getting better now as the characters and situations change. The dream like atmosphere continues but I like the characters I'm reading now better than the ones the day before.

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