Monday, December 31, 2012

Rich Man Poor Woman - End, Crazy Stupid Love

Well Rich Man Poor Woman ended up being a dud as far as I'm concerned. Despite the fact that I love Oguri Shun, it just didn't give me enough to root for the couple, nor be happy with the choices the leads made throughout the show. I get forgiving your best friend and ex partner for betraying you but it was really stupid to take him back to the company. Anyway this was not a good purchase but I would have regretted it if I missed it since everyone seems to love it.

Crazy Stupid Love - Ryan Gosling is a good looking man and a good actor too (yes that is all I'll say about this film)

Meanwhile the Unconsoled is still in that similar state of things (dream/science fiction) but I'm enjoying it despite it now being my least favorite Kazuo Ishiguro novel - and it being least favorite of his, means I like it a lot better than many many other non Ishiguro novels out there-.


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