Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Glass Slippers - End, Veda - End, Kushiel's Avatar

Last week was a holiday combo so I had lots of free time and I finished Glass Slippers on Sunday - 40 episodes of goodness it was. SPOILERS.

The second half of the show was tears tears and tears. Sometimes happy tears like when the sisters are united and sometimes tears of sadness and anger because they killed Chul Woong off at the last episode and he didn't even get to hear Yoon Hee say "I love you". She said it many times after he is dead but Chul Woong never got to hear it when he was alive.

It is good that Bad Dad and Bad Mom got to be better people. We understand it because She at least started to work and got rid of her heavy lipstick (a similar colour is what I'm wearing as I type this - heh). But Crazy Bitch remained crazy and evil until the end. At least she got to prison and regretted that she had a hand in Chul Woong's murder. She never redeemed though and Yoon Hee's attempts to make a better person out of her remained futile.
The interesting thing to me as far as Crazy Bitch and her actions go is how she got to pay to the evil gangster to murder Yoon Hee. Tae Hee find out from Seo Jun that Crazy Bitch slapped her sister and used their family name in a police station (that's how Yoon Hee and Seo Jun got to meet Crazy Bitch) and how they both pitied Crazy Bitch working as a bar girl (even though Crazy Bitch said that she doesn't like hard work and her only talents are drinking and dancing which she gets to do for free at this job). So Tae Hee meets Crazy Bitch, humiliates her, threatens her and throws a huge amount of money at her saying that this should keep her away from Yoon Hee. Now I hate Crazy Bitch but I'm more inclined to agree with Yoon Hee's behaviour towards her. Stupid Crazy Bitch kept accusing her of being fake nice but we know that Yoon Hee is sincere. I myself was accused of being fake nice while I was completely sincere - because I want to be a better person- so I could understand Yoon Hee. Even when everything was revealed she didn't want to lose Crazy Bitch, she tried to help her. This is the main reason why I love the "angel" archtype in K-dramas. They are geniunely good people.
So I'm having withdrawal syndroms even though they are not as severe.

Veda was excellent to the end and I'm hoping to get the other books too. This is the first book of a series.

And I have started Kushiel's Avatar by Jaqueline Carey. Now the only reason I got these books were I have heard that the first one was SM erotica. Well it was not and it was not that interesting either but I have already purchased three books and it was not completely horrible so I started to read Kushiel's Chosen which I LOVED. Phédre is a nice heroine and the books are not really SM erotica but fantasy books and their world is a good one (a fantasy Europe where Terre D'Ange is an AU France). These are adventure books and this one started very good. After the first one I was kind of sad to purchase three together without having more information about them but now I'm glad.

I have watched

My Best Friend's Wedding Hmmm. This one didn't lose its charm over me. I loved it the first time I saw it, loved it just as much no matter how many times I have seen it. This time was no exception. It was great right to the end.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Glass Slippers 19 - 20 - 21

Glass Slippers is predictably going bonkers. And predictably I still like it.

Yoon Hee is dating Jae Hyuk now despite the fact that she knows Jae Hyuk is dealing with gangsters and is after revenge. And despite the fact that georgeous Chul Woong is ready to throw himself at her feet. There is no accounting for taste, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Tae Hee's eyes are finally open as far as Jae Hyuk goes, she doesn't know he is the grandson of her Grandpa's ex partner and is after revenge but she knows that the reason Jae Hyuk's interest in her is because of who she is (Grandpa's daughter, heir to the corporation etc.).

Jae Hyuk confessed his love to Yoon Hee and it is reciprocated. I don't like him but at least he is honest where romantic love is concerned since he immediately told everything to Tae Hee and they made a clean break. He even told Grandpa that he liked Tae Hee a lot but he really loves Yoon Hee. Mr.Park got his diary and gave him time to figure out what he is going to do. If his decision is to insist on revenge he will give the diary to Grandpa but if he decides to give the revenge up then he will not say anything. He used to work for Jae Hyuk's Grandfather and this is the reason he didn't immediately inform Grandpa. Jae Hyuk actually put his revenge plans on hold since he is thinking of building a life with Yoon Hee but his assistant (who has left USA and came with him since he thinks Jae Hyuk will own Jae Ha Group one day, and believe me he was not happy to see him wavering) counters his orders and informs Gang Boss to proceed. Also he tells them to retrieve the diary saying that this is Jae Hyuk's order.

Of course this brings us to Chul Woong and how he went to retrieve the diary by force and realised that the man he is supposed to beat and intimidate it his father!!!! He asked what this is all about but Mr.Park refused to tell him saying that it is company business. But he went to the gangsters and found out that Jae Hyuk is behind everything.

He immediately goes to confront Jae Hyuk and he happens to be there with Yoon Hee who cannot believe that Jae Hyuk would do something like this (well he didn't do that but he has done a lot of things) and believes Jae Hyuk when he says he had nothing to do with it. But Chul Woong actually gets his hands on the famous diary (the proof that Jae Hyuk is ex partners grandchild) and he informs Jae Hyuk that he has it and will keep it. He also tells Jae Hyuk that even though he appears to be the lesser man in comparison to Jae Hyuk's money, education and general status in life, he will not give up loving Yoon Hee up. Good job Chul Woong!!!!! And when Crazy Bitch asks for the diary and promises that he'll get rid of Jae Hyuk, Chul Woong wisely refuses. Good boy.  Chul Woong also goes to Gangboss and informs him that he will not be with them as long as they work for Jae Hyuk.

Crazy Bitch is going madder by day. She totally flips when she finds out that Yoon Hee is actually working as an office assistant now and she is dating Jae Hyuk. Her real fear is that Tae Hee will figure out that Yoon Hee is the real sister and she actually finds out about the diary and gangsta connections from Chul Woong's sidekick and tries to blackmail Jae Hyuk into firing Yoon Hee. However Jae Hyuk is not like Tae Hee and Yoon Hee, good and kind, he says that he can see behind Crazy Bitch's seemingly protective and loving motive (she loves Tae Hee and wants her to be happy) and that he says that Crazy Bitch is actually selfish and only cares about herself so there must be another reason for her to want Yoon Hee out of the way. And she should not threaten people without any proof.

Then he goes to his assistant and asks the Gangboss to arrange a meeting with him and Chul Woong. The meeting is arranged (well they show up when Chul Woong and Sidekick are playing billiards). Jae Hyuk offers a shitload of cash in exchange for the diary but Chul Woong says that he is one of the few stupid people to whom money doesn't mean as much as the rest of the world (I love him) and then he said that he'll get beaten (Chul Woong is surrounded by gangsters at this point). Chul Woong doesn't bat an eye and says that it is OK, he needs to be roughed up a bit anyway but the Gangboss says that Chul Woong is like a brother to him and he will not get violent against him (well Chul Woong is a better fighter and has kicked everyone's ass in the gang except the Gangboss who turned out to be the best fighter among them) and all the gangstas leave.

So the asisstant tries to get another gangboss - one that has recently joined Gangboss' gang after being gently! persuaded by Chul Woong and he refuses at first but agrees after seeing the shit load of cash and the promise to be the sole gang Jae Hyuk works with when he becomes the head of Jae Ha Group - of course Jae Hyuk doesn't know this deal but he is a smart man and is aware that Assistant is going to do something unpleasant.

But when the traitor asked what is Chul Woong's weakness, we all know the answer. Yoon Hee is having a hard time at work since she is the focus of all the rumours involving her and Jae Hyuk. She tries to stand tall but all these get to her. She even slapped the Crazy Bitch when she became too much. But Tae Hee actually liked the results of the task she has given to Yoon Hee (I LOVE Tae Hee) and tells her that she did a good job and takes note of one of her suggestion. Yoon Hee tells her that it meant so much for Tae Hee to be nice to her since she has been subject to much emotional abuse due to her relationship with Jae Hyuk. But Tae Hee says to her that she should not listen to the rumours and stay on her course and keep on working hard.

But when they are leaving Assistant informs traitor and the other gang tries to kidnap Yoon Hee, and Tae Hee sees it and rushes to save her. These sisters are so cool! But they are against a gang of thugs and this is where episode 21 ended.

Now I'm happy that all my life I have decided to stay away from office gossip. I avoided it because it is a sin. And staying away from gossip doesn't make you the most popular person in the office (I used to gossip all the times when I was working at Klassis and I was very popular back then) but I'll take a clean conscience over popularity any day. And it made me realise how correct I was when I saw how negative office gossip can affect people who are the subject of the gossip.  God forbid us to hurt someone. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Glass Slippers 16 - 17 - 18, Veda

Glass Slippers continue to serve my makjang kicks and these last three episodes were half revelations.

Yoon Hee is once again fired from her new job because Crazy Bitch couldn't stand Tae Hee and her getting close. But Jae Hyuk has already arranged for Yoon Hee to get an office assistant job since she obviously qualifies for one.

Tae Hee and Jae Hyuk are not reaching any conclusion. Tae Hee wisely decided to stay away for a while since obviously her presence disturbs Jae Hyuk. Meanwhile Jae Hyuk is liking Yoon Hee more and more - he even got her a mobile phone as a starting a new job gift. Everyone here is open to eachother. Jae Hyuk tells Yoon Hee that he feels comfortable and good around her so although he will not insist on them being bf/gf, he'd like to meet up from time to time just to see her and be in her presence (this is not a declaration of love)

Meanwhile my adorable Chul Woong is once again back to gangsta style. The main reason for that is his insecurity. Crazy Bitch filled him with doubts and fears saying that another man with more wordly qualifications is after Yoon Hee and will Yoon Hee spare a second to him now that a better man is after her? Chul Woong doesn't believe her throwing mud at Yoon Hee but what he believes is that he was not able to help Yoon Hee when she was fired (because Crazy Bitch called Yoon Hee's supervisor and insulted her) but his rival, Jae Hyuk was able to help her out by offering her a better job. Even though Yoon Hee keeps saying that he is glad of Chul Woong's friendship and mental support and doesn't need anything else, Chul Woong wants to be a strong man to do more for Yoon Hee. And the only way to do this is to join the Gangsters. I'm hoping that he'll at least be a good gangsta - if there is anything like that - . What Chul Woong doesn't know is that his boss works for his rival Jae Hyuk.

Meanwhile the biggest revelation was that Crazy Bitch got caught by Grandpa and she totally freaked. I wanted Grandpa to teach her a lesson but Grandpa is worried about how Tae Hee would feel if she finds out her sister is fake and that the real one is still out there (of course Crazy Bitch never told Grandpa that his real granddaughter can be found really easily) she'll not concentrate on the succession of the company and will once again spend all her energies on finding her sister. But Grandpa is old and getting weaker by the day with his health detoriating and he doesn't have any more time to prep Tae Hee for his successor. So he tells Crazy Bitch to keep her mouth shut and be a nice sister to Tae Hee and asking forgiveness of his son looking at his photo. Grandpa there is so much wrong in your decision that I want to go over there and give you a good talking to make your priorities clear. Now this revelation is on hold as far as everyone but Crazy Bitch and Grandpa are concerned. Crazy Bitch is slowly going really crazy with the mental strain of pretending to be someone else with stakes this high. I don't like her and the way she keeps on mad mouthing Yoon Hee and getting in Chul Woong's face (she even kissed him).

Also Chul Woong's sister is now working at Seo Jon's restaurant (at his suggestion) these constantly fight but there is attraction too. I don't really care for this couple's acting and so not very much into a situation that would normally entertain me.

The other revelation is that Mr.Park goes to search for Jae Hyuk's house (Grandpa is wise against attempts to take over Jae Ha Comm. and suspects Jae Hyuk) and sees that Jae Hyuk is grandson of Grandpa's old partner. He is so shocked that he doesn't even blush when Jae Hyuk walks in on him and he is caught up in the act of snooping.

The sweetest thing was that Tae Hee starts to like Yoon Hee despite the fact that she is jealous of her interaction with Jae Hyuk and despite the vicious bad mouthing of Crazy Bitch.

Meanwhile the festival memoirs are interesting only because I'm interested in the subject matter. The writing is below average :( so I have started to read Veda (lit.translation "Goodbye" or "Farewell") by Ayşe Kulin. The lady is an entertaining writer and I'm enjoying this one - the book was loaned to my sister by a colleague of mine but she hasn't even started it.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Glass Slippers 13 - 14 - 15, Innocent Blood - End, Bir Uzun Mesafe Festivalcisinin Anıları

As I was out partying (Greek Taverna followed by local bar) until 04:0 a:m on Friday and had to wake up to attend breakfast with the same party on Saturday and not returning home until 16:00 and then falling asleep at 18:30 to wake up on Sunday 07:30 (I really need to sleep), the only time I could return to watch Glass Slippers was Sunday night. And the episodes once again were very interesting with characters gaining different arc (except our angel Yoon Hee and I'm very glad that she is the one that has not changed).

Yoon Hee started to work as a janitor in Jae Ha Communications and this pissed Chul Woong off. He actually went to the gangster took the money Yoon Hee owed to the store owner (2000 US Dollars) and then started to like the Gang Boss and decided to work for them. Yoon Hee tried to make him give up but to no avail. Meanwhile Jae Hyuk started to like Yoon Hee more and more. And she is so inherently good that I don't blame him for being happy when she is with her. Of course this didn't sit well with Tae Hee who wants to marry Jae Hyuk, actually asking him out right. Tae Hee is straightforward and would like to be approached this way, what she doesn't get is that others may find this straightforward, go getter attitude not easy to deal with. Jae Hyuk actually likes her but he is not happy when he is with her. This has more to do with the fact that Tae Hee is Grandpa's granddaughter and he is most determined to get the company out of Grandpa's hands and get his revenge. The thing is if he marries Tae Hee, he'd get the company anyway and as his loyal assistant pointed out, he'll do it without any (metaphorical) bloodshed. But for some reason he is hatching a share takeover scheme with Gang Boss in order to take over Jae Ha Communications. So he cannot be honest to Tae Hee and her honesty is even harder to deal with. No wonder he feels happy when with Yoo Hee who doesn't demand anything from him and he can be honest with her. He admits it to Yoon Hee and sort of asks to start a relationship knowing that Yoon Hee is interested in him too. What he doesn't know is that Crazy Bitch saw them at the hospital when they are talking and very midly flirting. And she went to Yoon Hee and accused her of stealing Chul Woong from her and secucing the Bad Stepfather. Even though Yoon Hee denied them all it had no effect on Crazy Bitch who said that Jae Hyuk is going to get married to her Unni Tae Hee and that Jae Hyuk is way above Yoon Hee in status with his masters degree from US etc. Even though I think that Yoon Hee would probably refuse him anyway since she has different priorities at this stage in her life than having a boyfriend but Crazy Bitch's words must have had some effect, because she said that she is suprised that she has such a good effect on such an important person as Jae Hyuk.

Meanhwile Chul Woong became as tough and good gangster and he has got a diamond ring for Yoon Hee with his first earned money (other than the afore mentioned  2000 US Dollars) but he got beaten up by the men he previously beat up and he had to be hospitalised. Thanks to his side kick Yoon Hee was able to figure out what happened to him and take care of him at the hospital. She tried to make the gangsters go away but couldn't. When she had to leave him alone because she had to go to work, she took his sister into confidence and then later on Sister and her big mouth gave everything away. His family was instantly by Chul Woong's side and the Gang Boss gave him the option to quit with his dignity intact - because he didn't know Chul Woong had such a loving family you see. But Chul Woon said he likes the Gang Boss and he'd like to stay. Despite seeming very immature Chul Woong is showing hidden depths by admitting that he gave it a lot of thought before embarking this road in life. And after everyone has left and Yoon Hee was sulking outside his hospital room he went on his knee in front of her and as I thought he'd propose he did something way cooler and took one of her sneaker straps off, brought out the diamong ring and told Yoon Hee that this too is a ring and even though it is not the same as the one she lost, with this new ring her bad luck will turn. Yoon Hee was so touched that she couldn't say anything, just silently cried and ran away (Chul Woong followed her and saw that on her own she clutches the ring and cries some more - he is happy that his gift is well liked).

Returning back to the other sister, Tae Hee is forceful and successful and even on her first day didn't shy away from expressing her opinion. When Jae Hyuk told her later to tone it down, she was suprised that they are not free to express their opinions (her business suggestion was a lot better than Jae Hyuk's ). And when she went home Crazy Bitch fed her lies about Yoon Hee and told her to be careful and keep an eye on Jae Hyuk. But Crazy Bitch is on the verge of being discovered imho. Aunt thinks that her character is very different from the rest of the family and she has different habits (she was caught stealing Tae Hee's necklace). Also Seo Jun heard her speaking to her original family and Bad Mom and Bad Stepdad shamelessly asked her considerable amounts of money, saying that they need to take what they can while Crazy Bitch is there.

We end Episode 15 with Tae Hee requesting a definite answer from Jae Hyuk, will he marry Tae Hee or not? She doesn't want to give the thought time, she wants an answer now.

Innocent Blood was excellent. The type of prose I like best and even the mystery worked - I didn't see the end revelations coming.

I have started Hülya Uçansu's Bir Uzun Mesafe Festivalcisinin Anıları (lit.translation Memoirs of a Long Distance Festival Organisor) telling what she has experiences in organising Istanbul Film Festival. So far we have had a short introduction in her life story from childhood to Uni and marriage and I have had to stop right where she decided to work as the Cinema Association part time. Well sounds promising so far.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Glass Slippers 10 - 11 - 12

Glass Slippers is slowly going crazy and taking me with it in each episode.

Crazy Sis actually passed herself as Yoon Hee and everyone bought it hook line and sinker. Tae Hee is very happy to find her sister and the rest do not doubt her identity. Although her mother cautioned her to end this insane charade, she convinced her by making her feel guilty, doesn't she deserve a nice rich life? In the end Bad Woman gave in since Bad Men also thinks it is better for them to play along so that they can get money and do nothing. Seriously these people are so evil.

Meanwhile in a rather more intelligent evil environment Jae Hyuk and Gangster Boss reunited and Gang Boss after asking and learning the reason for Jae Hyuk's revenge agreed to help him out to do his dirty stuff for him.

And Mr.Park has found a job for Yoon Hee working as an all aroung janitor in one of the branches of Jae Ha communications. She happily starts to work and meets again with Jae Hyuk. They actually get close and enjoyed hanging out together. Meanwhile Chul Woon has gone to kick some gangster ass and when faced with the Gang Boss didn't hesitate to make a bet that if he loses he will start to work for the Gang Boss. Well Gang Boss may be older but he ended up being the better fighter and Chul Woong was severely beaten. The upside is Yoon Hee felt bad for him and cleaned the wounds on his face (and earlier she made it very clear that she doesn't think of going out with any man and thinks Chul Woong only as a friend).

Crazy Bitch is still not satisfied after stealing Yoon Hee's life. She actually went to the store Yoon Hee works told Yoon Hee's story as her own and tried to put on airs but Yoon Hee said she doesn't care about this stuff and only wants to find her ring. Crazy Bitch pushed her but the boxes fell on the Crazy Bitch. And before we thought that she finally got what she deserved she manages to get away with scratches and even complained to Tae Hee that the real Yoon Hee was trying to kill her. Tae Hee, very kindly, told read Yoon Hee that even if both claim different things, she'll believe Yoon Hee and didn't even listen real Yoon Hee's explanation. Just because Crazy Bitch is her sister see. Anyway. Crazy Bitch got Yoon Hee fired threatening to sue the store and futhermore the boxes were full of mobile phones and now Yoon Hee owes 2000 US Dollars to the store owner.

She actually worries that all the bad things happen to her one after another and she feels sad that she lost her ring. She goes to Mr.Park at his work place and explains the whole thing. Mr.Park is his usual lovely self and was very understanding. Yoon Hee heard women talking that they are hiring janitors for Jae Ha company and she immediately applied. When the janitor supervisor asked her about her night college degree, she said of course she wants a better job but meanwhile this is work and she doesn't mind doing it.

Chul Woon finally gave her the dress he bought for her and Yoon Hee was so happy.

Tae Hee actually scored top points in the written exam and impressed everyone in the interviews. Grandpa compromised saying that he'll try to observe Jae Hyuk better and will not refuse him outright. But Jae Hyuk is staying away from Tae Hee. When she asks why he says that she is too dependant on him. I suspect that he likes her and is afraid of future complications his revenge attempts will inevitably cause. But he is also very interested in Yoon Hee and Tae Hee has no idea.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Glass Slippers 7 - 8 - 9

Glass Slippers is getting even more interesting with each episode. The show has its faults but lacking makjang is not one of them. There are nasty people you can hate without feeling bad (that is a problem I have), the lead girl is "angel" type I love in K-Dramas and there's So Ji Sub being the comic relief and actually doing a good job of it too (wrong career choises Ji Sub oppa, you should have been a comedian).

Anyway the Bad Family's father (who I have found out is the second husband of the Bad Woman) tried to rape Yoon Hee but she managed to escape his clutches by the early arrival of Bad Woman and Bad Sis. Even though it was obvious that Yoon Hee was assaulted, they threw her out and called her names. Seriously, it is not hard to dislike these people. Grandma found Yoon Hee crying on the street and takes her home and here we find out that Chul Woong is not the adult thug but the son of Mr.Park and they live together with Halmoni, Chul Woong's Sister and Mr.Park.
The one important point is that Yoon Hee has lost her ring during the struggle and Bad Sis found it but didn't return it to Yoon Hee for various reasons:

* She is a bad person
* She wanted to exchange it for Chul Woong (even though Yoon Hee said time and again that she is not interested in him - but I so wish that she would be in the future) but she flipped out as soon as she found out that Yoon Hee is now living with Chul Woong and his family.
* She has found out (as Bad Man and Bad Woman did) that Yoon Hee is the granddaughter of Grandpa and Tae Hee's sister and that she is rich etc. and she is thinking of passing herself as Yoo Hee to Tae Hee.
* She is crazy

Meanwhile Tae Hee hooked up with Jae Hyuk and is not shy in declaring her love and her want of intimacy with him. Jae Hyuk is caught up in corporate issues (he is trying to make the communications company as success) and Grandpa doesn't like him and warns him to stay away. The more interesting thing for me is that it appears that Jae Hyuk actually likes Tae Hee. His assistant knows of his ruin Grandpa plan and asked whether Tae Hee is part of that plan but he refused it and he asked Tae Hee to stay away from him since it makes it difficult for him to realise his plans (and he told her that he cannot tell her what these plans are) if she keeps interfering. Well we'll see what happens on that front.

Tae Hee's problems are getting close to Jae Hyuk and her Aunt's poisinous words and looks. Auntie wants her son So Jun to inherit everything Grandpa has and is afraid that Tae Hee will get them all.  So Jun on the other hand is a good guy who is not ambitious and is perfectly happy with managing a restaurant and being a playboy. Also he gets along with Tae Hee very well and helps her trying to locate Yoon Hee. Well he also met cute with Chul Woong's sis while she is making deliveries. I wonder if anything will come out of that. They are polar opposites these two.

At the end of episode 9 Bad Sis asks to meet Tae Hee to show her something from her childhood. She actually recited Yoon Hee's story as if her own and warned her mother and stepfather to keep quiet. She actually thinks she can pull it off. Tae Hee is smart and perceptive but she is also looking for her sister for 15 years and not only misses her but also feels guilty about not being able keep her promise to her father (she promised she'd look after her). And when she was going to meet with Bad Sis, her dad's photo fell on the floor and the glass cracked. A bad omen....

Also I'm totally and utterly loving Innocent Blood. It is very British and the prose of P.D James reminds me a bit of Ruth Rendell - it is a good thing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yedinci Gün - End, Innocent Blood, Glass Slippers 4-5-6

Yedinci Gün ended up not being my favorite İhsan Oktay Anar book but it was a good read nevertheless.

I have started Innocent Blood by P.D James (purchased at a secondhand book store) and I really like it. I hope I'll continue liking it. The premise is very interesting and it has that certain British quality that I really like.

Glass Slippers is going strong. After a hit and miss with sister not able to meet, we had a 15 year time skip. Yoo Hee is still with the horrible family poor thing. She does all the work while that horrible woman keeps lying about, the daughter is a stupid girl who wants to be a pop star and/or actor and worst of all the man started to lust over Yoon Hee (she doesn't know this).

The suprise to me is So Ji Sub of the perfect face and usually wooden acting but here he is very funny and actually emotes. I wonder what happened to him later in his acting career to turn him into such a statue. Here he has a small role (grown up version of the street thug gang leader, I think but I'm not sure, I'm hoping not). And the stupid sis has a crush on him. But he in turn has a crush on Yoon Hee (everyone knows her as Sun Woo and her memory is still not back).

Tae Hee on the other hand is a successful and smart woman who has not given up the search on her sister even after 15 years. So Jun her cousin and she get along very nicely but her ambitious Aunt wants  So Jun to rule the company after  Grandpa dies. Granpa is very much in Tae Hee though and he teaches her and asks her to apply to the lowest position in the corporate to learn everything. Her identity will be kept secret and she will evaluated solely on her merit.

Meanwhile the driver's mother works next to where Yoon Hee works (at the horrible family's restaurant) and she arranges an application form and gives it to Yoon Hee to apply. She is reluctant since she graduated from night college and her qualifications may not be enough but the Halmoni encourages her. So she decides to apply.

Jae Hyuk meanwhile turns from US as a successful Wall Street Merger and Acquisitons expert. And Grandpa gives him a failing communications company in the corporate to test him. If he succeeds (he doesn't ask for profit, just a sign that the company will get better) he'll give him what he wants but if he fails he'll be thrown out. Meanwhile he meets Tae Hee and it is like they never left. Tae Hee is really into him without knowing what a snake he really is. This is the actor who is the second male lead in All About Eve and I don't really care for him (well he was agains Jang Dong Gun there so the poor man didn't stand that much of a chance) but here he looks better (not as good as SJS though :) )

At the end of episode 6 Yoon Hee and Jae Hyuk meet cute (she helps him catch a purse snatcher and drops her application form which he finds on the street right after she left).
Will there be a love triangle between sisters and this guy? I hope not but I won't be suprised if there is. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fiddlers - End, Yedinci Gün, Zodiac, Glass Slippers Eps 1- 2 - 3

Zodiac It was a very very good film and I have found myself very interested in what's going on in it. The actors were all good with Jake Gylenhall (sp?) the best among them. David Fincher is a very good director and I like almost all of his films (except Panic Room).

Fiddlers yes I remembered the book and yes I don't like what they did to make it more recent but in the end Ed McBain is a great writer and this is indeed a good finale for the 87th Precint.

Yedinci Gün (lit.trans. Seventh Day) İhsan Oktay Anar is one of my favorite Turkish novelists and this book is very good indeed. But I have just finished a chapter describing war and it is my least fave genre in anything. It was so real a description that I felt myself shrinking within myself feeling ashamed for being human. I know this is extreme and dramatic but this is how I felt. God I hate war.

Glass Slippers Last night I decided on the makjang and am not dissapointed at all. It was a river of tears in the first episode and the makjang hit like tsunami. Tae Hee and Yoon Hee are sisters and their mother passed away while giving birth to Yoon Hee. Now we have a time jump and Yoon Hee is 9 and Tae Hee is 13. They live with their father who is a great guy. They are poor but happy with Tae Hee acting like a mother to Yoon Hee. But the father is diagnosed with leukemia and he can't afford treatment. Their grandpa -who they have never met and saw only a b&w picture of - disowned the father when he wanted to marry to the woman he loves. We also meet the male characters who are Jae Hyuk a boy burning with vengeance and Tae Hee's grandpa is his target (he told Tae Hee that his grandpa has died when their company went bankrupt and his father has committed suicide). Then their father passes away in a car accident and the girls are to be sent to an orphanage (they need to separate them since there are not any vacancies). So the sisters ran away with the intention of finding their grandpa (their father had told Tae Hee to go to grandpa if something happens to him) but they got separated in the bus terminal. Yoon Hee is hit by a truck and lost her memory. She has their mother's wedding ring (Tae Hee has their father's) and the people who hit them are a family of dubious morals. Mom owns a small eatery and they have a daughter of their own. They actually leave Yoon Hee in the market place but Yoon Hee is a smart kid and when the police found her she told them which house she came from the market place (when they hit Yoon Hee, she fainted and there was blood over her head so the dubious dad and mom have taken her to their home waiting for her either to die or to wake up) And the dad didn't even have a driver's licence. Seriously. Anyway when the police brought her they had to take her in and at the end of episode three she shows her smarts by offering to do homework of the rather unintelligent elder girl of the house in exchange for her not treating Yoon Hee badly and calling her names. Meanwhile she named herself Lee Sun Woo since this is the name on the ring.

Tae Hee on the other hand runs away from both the police (she thinks they are going to put her into an orphanage - she doesn't know Grandpa showed up immediately after he found out and engaged police to find the girls and bring them to him) and the street thugs. The only one who helped her is Jae Hyuk (and at first he did it because she helped him when the street thugs were beating him for money). But even though Jae Hyuk looks like a good guy he actually asks the leader of street thugs to scare Tae Hee and hence force her to seek help from Jae Hyuk (she didn't over stay her hospitality the first time he helped her and immediately after giving her a place to hide he has found out that she is the granddaughter of the man he wants to take revenge on). So the street thug beats Tae Hee (and he feels crappy afterward) and she is forced to run back to Jae Hyuk (who is an evil genius) meanwhile she had been trying to find Yoon Hee all this time. Yoon Hee actually saw her in the market place (where the dubious dad tried to leave her) but she has lost her memory and didn't call out for her.

At the end of episode 3 Tae Hee is taken to Grandpa's company by Jae Hyuk who made the introduction before the guards throw them both out (oh also Grandpa has a divorced daughter who is not a very responsible person and that woman has a young son, grandpa asked them to live with him now that he plans to live with his granddaughters - when he is able to find them).

So far this is delicious makjang and I'm eating it up - I don't think I even yawned at any point.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Thing - Fail, Kalın Kitap - End, The Fiddlers

Last night I have tried to watch a horror film directed by esteemed John Carpenter, starring Kurt Russel (I like him a lot) and I have fallen asleep not even halfway through. I don't think this one was a bad film - my sister watched it more than once and it is well liked among the fans of the genre- but for some reason I have fallen asleep watching it. I should have watched a Guru Dutt film or something but my friend came for a visit and she stayed until half past nine and then I didn't want to start something long, the film I had in mind was David Fincher's Zodiac actually (which my sister thinks is boring, so based on last night I may end up liking)

Finished Kalın Kitap which I enjoyed. And started reading The Fiddlers, the final 87 Precint novel. I love Ed McBain and his 87 Precint novels. And of course I remembered the original of this novel right away. This is a touched up version (they included modern day references) which doesn't feel right in comparison to the original. But still it is better than most others and I'm enjoying it very very much. I had a crush on Carella the first time I have read a 87 Precint novel (as I'm supposed to I guess) and it is no suprise that I still do have that crush.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ensemble, C'est Tout, Sis ve Gece - End

Ensemble, C'est Tout (It is oddly released in USA as Hunting and Gathering according to imdb)
I love this film. Even though I don't really care for Audrey Toutou, I kind of respect her artistry and natural elegance. But I love Guillaume Canet, ever since I saw him in The Beach (and this is despite the fact that Leonardo is my fave pretty face star) I have a soft spot for him. And these two make a good pair. I love the people and how kind they are in the film. I have found out (to my shame) that this film is a book adaptation and my sister purchased the book at second hand book fair.

I have finished Sis ve Gece, and it was not boring but it was not spectecular either. I also saw the ending miles ahead.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest ended up being better than I thought it would be. The book is suspenseful but there is not much visual action going on and filming it that way would cause a dull film. This is one of the rare times that I agree with the director on his substantial removals from the book along with all the changes he has made. Good job.

Meanwhile Kalın Kitap is very funny and I'm beginning to enjoy Sis ve Gece even more with each page. Let's see how these two will go on.

The best kind of indecision is deciding what to watch next no?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mawang - end, The Lake - End, Kalın Kitap, Sis ve Gece

Last night I have finished Mawang and it ended with a bang. The last four episodes were very very good and got me going tear wise. Revenge is a notion I'm not familiar with in real life. By nature I'm forgiving and it is very easy for me not to dwell on what happened. This of course has its disadvantages but in the end I'm happy to be born this way. So revenge is one of my favorite teams in fiction. This revenge was very good (still did not reach Old Boy levels but it was good). And furthermore it is clear to everyone in the end that it is an endless cycle which does nothing to improve a person.

Great performances, great script (apart from the whole pyshcic thing) and one good drama  - even though I kept falling asleep most of the time. It is worth it for the last four episodes.

I have finished The Lake which was excellent. A book to my own heart and in the ended I wanted a relationship as the one similar in the book even though it is between very damaged people.

And I have started Kalın Kitap (lit. translation Thick Book) a collection of the newspaper coloumns of one Turkish journalist, DJ and novelist Ayça Şen. I like the girl and I'm having fun with it. But since it is not a novel I have decided to also start Sis ve Gece (lit.translation The Fog and The Night) by Ahmet Umit, a best selling Turkish mystery writer. I have never read one of his books before and this one started not that bad. Maybe I'll even like it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Mawang at the end of Episode 16

This is really weird. Despite feeling that the psychic giving clues touching the objects (and dreams as we are further along in the story) is a bit pat and comfortable, the rest of the drama is very good in suspense, logic, drama and philosophy. But I keep falling asleep. Why I don't know. Last night I have watched episodes 15 & 16 dosing on and off and what's even worse is that I didn't even bother to rewatch the parts I have missed.

What I remember is that O Su finally clued in on the fact that Seung Ha is Mawang. It is one thing to know and the other to prove or do something about it since Seung Ha didn't get his hands dirty so far (only his heart). Older Bro is not the clueless husband since he knows of the affair between Loyal Friend and his wife (this effectively renders Seung Gi's blackmail powerless but I was not awake enough to find out whether loyal friend is aware that the husband knows or not)  Shin Min Ah is getting close to Seung Ha and she seem to remember meeting him when they were children but Seung Ha denies it. So the last time I saw her she was having trouble believing that Seung Ha is Mawang.

Maybe the reason for me to fall asleep is that I know the ending. I really need to stay away from spoilers since they indeed spoil everything for me. I doubt I'd fall asleep if I didn't know what is going to happen.

On weekend I have visited Second Hand Book Fair and this time my sister kindly accompanied me. She is also an avid reader and this way we were able to buy freely without worrying how to carry the books in public transport. Even though the fair was weak in English books this year I have managed to pick up a good haul.

On Sunday all I did was lie about and watch bad films including

Now and Then which is probably a vanity project for Demi Moore, the executive producer. It was a sucky film but I managed to cry even in that.

The Lake is simply excellent. The Japanese style I love combined with a subject that is very interesting, I'm having a hard time stopping it (when the shuttle arrives to work I need to stop) 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Mawang - Rest of Episode 8 then Eps 9 & 10, Motherless Brooklyn - End, The Lake

This time it was not my dvd player but myself who conked out during episode 11. And it is so very strange since I'm loving, absolutely loving this show. It plays with all my buttons and I'm actually fully rooting for the good guys - even though the baddie has a strong cause and he is most handsome than all the other man on this drama combined (good actor too). But somehow for some reason (maybe too much sunflower seeds, ugh even thinking about them makes my stomach churn) I keep falling asleep. Puzzled by this. But so far Shing Min Ah is still courted by our two leads. O Su is slowly coming terms with what he did and we found out that he has killed Tae Hun accidentally. He didn't stick the knife in him but Tae Hun slipped and fell on top of O Su with the knife between them. So it really was an accident but one can see how it may be interpreted as being something else.

Meanwhile Seung Gi (and I can't help but remember Lee Seung Gi everytime someone says his name, despite the fact the actor and the character have nothing to do with Seung Gi and his entertainment persona) found out - via another photo send anonimously- that the woman is O Su Sister in Law. So he starts to blackmail the loyal friend and O Su is totally in the dark since loyal friend flushed the pics and Seung Gi doesn't want to lose his blackmail leverage.

The reporter is the one who received the tarot card (Moon) but he is oblivous to the danger, trying to turn his previous wrong (the biased pro Kang article he wrote at the time of the school incident) to right by furiously investigating everything. And doing a good job of it too. O Su tries to warn him and told him that he will keep on protecting him even though Reporter believes Kang to be a murderer who got away and keeps on insulting him left and right.

One of the more interesting twists was that Mawang actually changed identities with his best pal when he died getting hit by a truck hence completelty non recognisable. He looks after his best bud's blind Noona too (I know this sounds very melo but it doesn't seem to when you actually watch it). And then Mawang gets a tarot card in a yellow envelope (now we have three unresolved cards The Moon send to the reporter and O su and The Tower send to Mawang  by??). From my old days of looking Tarot (thank God for getting me out of that) I know that The Tower represents dissapointment, your expectations not coming true. It seems like a negative card but as with most of the tarot cards it can be a good thing since if you are dissapointed, you can change things to suit you better no? But the position of the card in your fortune setting is important. Here they just pass on one card without a fortune system so I'm thinking that someone is telling Mawang that his expectations will not come true. I fell asleep right around that time.

Motherless Brooklyn got better is it progressed but this writer and I do not see eye to eye and I don't ilke this type of prose. But it was a decent enough detective story. 

I have started The Lake by Banana Yoshimoto and immediately felt soothed by that certain particular style of Japanese prose. I have previously read two of Ms.Yoshimoto's books I think and remember that I liked Kitchen a lot -despite the fact that I can't remember anything about the book. The Lake is excellent as far as I'm concerned and it ended up being the perfect book to get over Motherless Brooklyn fail (fail belongs to me of course not the writer) 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mawang Episodes 5-6-7 and about half of 8

My dvd player is probably dying on me and I seriously am thinking of getting a new one. It started screen freezing last night and I was not able to watch the larger half of episode 8 of Mawang. And it is such a good drama. Everything happens so fast. We are introduced O Su's sin, love triangle established, the purpose behind the murders revealed and we are not even halfway through yet. Now the only unknown is the identity of the mastermind who so meticulously planned everything it seems. There are some variables such as Young Cheul and Ex Detective Cha - also the fate of clueless bro, disloyal lackey and bad man friend.

It is very exciting and Joo Ji Hun is simply perfect in the lead role. I like how quietly strong his acting was (and of course it helps him being georgeous) and Uhm Tae Wong is his usual competent self (but I have to say that I loved the character he acted in Resurrection much better). Repentance is an interesting concept and I applaud the drama for making the hero - it is not firmly established that O Su is the hero- having such a big burden on his conscience. And he should carry that big burden as long as he lives because he actually was guilty.

Meanwhile Mawang is also suffering as very conveniently exposed by Shin Min Ah. He knows what he does is wrong and he wants to be stopped but cannot stop on his own because of his brother and mother. They are dead now and they will not be coming back and it is only natural that he wants revenge since the killer and his bogus witnesses got off free without any legal consequence and there was not even an apology or any outward remorse.

Well I'm the least likely person to seek revenge since I simply don't have it in me. I don't hold grudges and am inclined to forget and even forgive. Thank God.

Anyway Shin Min Ah is leaning towards O Su because I think his wounded, guilty soul needs nurturing and Shin Min Ah is a caregiver by nature. Also the heart wants what the heart wants - there is the yummy, churchgoing, philantrophist, great with kids, rich and successful but also humanitarian lawyer but whether she is afraid of his tormented soul (tormented because he is going towards the bad - as opposed to tormented but going towards the good O Su) or what but she doesn't show any interest towards him.

Meanwhile Motherless Brooklyn also ceased to be boring and at one point (when I stopped reading the made up Tourette words that is) turned into a better read for me. But I won't be sad to see this one end.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mawang Episodes 3 and most of 4

Mawang is going great but there is something wrong with me and I keep falling asleep. I thought it was Motherless Brooklyn (still not a very good book but not as bored as I was now) but even during viewing Mawang I have falled asleep (and missed the night prayers). I hope that tonight will be more productive and I'll be able to manage not to sleep during 2 episodes.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mawang Episodes 1 & 2

I have started Mawang (The Devil) last night and am completely hooked - even though I stupidly read the whole recaps for this one a couple of years ago and utterly spoiled myself-.
This writer director team produced one of my favorite K-dramas Resurrection and I'm hoping this one will produce similar effect on me. And so far so good.

Joon Ji Hoon is perfect as the hero/villain (one interesting aspect of this drama is that both male leads are hero & villain while I think the true villains are O Su's family) a genius young lawyer who has mysterious motives. Of course I know that he manipulates people to complete his elaborate revenge but even knowing it doesn't lessen the suspense.

Shin Min Ah is a psychic who can see traces of things that happened when she touches an object (though this doesn't happen everytime), she has helped the police before to solve a serial murder case but she is also the painter who has painted the tarot cards left in murder scenes (and also sent to O su).

Uhm Tae Wong is a homicide detective - with a rich and influential family- who is seemingly honest although a bit blunt.


Meanwhile Motherless Brooklyn is literally putting me to sleep. It has murder, mob and Tourette's and I'm bored. Seriously what is wrong with me?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Downton Abbey Complete Season 1 & 2, The Woodlanders - End, Motherless Brooklyn, Mr.Popper's Penguins

The Woodlanders ended in a Thomas Hardy way, Giles died out of honour and love, Marty remained loyal to him even in his grave. Grace first was devastated by Giles' death (which was kind of hear fault) but then actually made up with her cheating husband (returned to Grace after ending the affair with the Lady). I actually shed tears for Giles and Marty but felt sorrier for Grace in the end.

I have started a novel called Motherless Brooklyn which is about a private detective with Tourette Snydrome. Well I can't say I have fallen for it yet but then again the only reason I purchased it while in NYC (at least at a secondhand bookstore) is that I have read that Edward Norton was thinking of adapting it to a film. Well so far I think I'd enjoy watching it more than reading it (which is unusual for me but Tourette Syndrome is not very interesting you see).

I have also finished Downton Abbey on weekend and even though it was decent and very entertaining, I can't say I love it the way the majority seem to do. Maybe because I'm used to adaptations, maybe because I thought the sets, costumes and the actors deserved a better script, I don't know.... It all seemed so light and pat for some reason. I'll recommend this one for fun times but do not expect the depth of an adaptation. 

Mr.Popper's Penguins well we all know this type of film and I do admit liking some of them better than the others (Family Man starring Nic Cage and Téa Leoni is my all time fave). The penguins were kinda cute but all in all I wouldn't have liked it as much if I hadn't been on the verge of getting my period. So I ended up even crying for the sucker.