Monday, September 3, 2012

Doc Martin Season 4 - End, The Sleeping Dragon - End, Wuxia, The Great Magician, Kushiel's Chosen

This weekend ended up being fruitful as far as reading and film watching goes. It feels really good when the only problem you have is to decided on what to watch/ro read, thank God :)

The Sleeping Dragon ended up just as good as other Miyabe books I have read despite the fact that the whole thing was not a suprise (if I was new into mystery I think I would be though).

Kushiel's Chosen is what I chose -heh- to read next since I have already bought it (a mistake) and find myself enjoying it. Something different from what I usually read and a palate cleanser.

I have watched

Wuxia - I love Peter Chan's visuals, the close up shots, the colours, the attention to detail. The story was also an interesting one to me.  The only thing that marred the film as far as I'm concerned is Donnie Yen, whose fight careography I loved and highly appreciated but whose on screen presence is unfortunately something to be suffered for the sake of the good things in the film. Vanity is such a bad thing, stay behing the camera Donnie, that is where you truly excel man.

The Great Magician - Now this one was a suprise from all those moody Derek Yee films.It actually felt like a better Jeff Lau film. The two acting veterans who are great in drama and comedy both really made it work for me. And I like Zhou Xun and despite being & looking young for either lead, the relationships worked for me - I especially liked the ending.
Oh and how well Tony Leung aged. I can't wait for WKW's Ip Man film.

Doc Martin Season 4 - Well this sure washed away the unpleasant taste left by Season 3. I enjoyed it to the max and even shed a tear or two for the happy ending.

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