Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Still, Life Goes on Episode 5

This gem of a Japanese drama is just what I needed. I really like the premise

One teenager kills a little girl and 15 years later we see the families of the murderer and the victim.
The victim's family is divided. Mom and Dad got a divorce and Mom left with the little bro and Dad and Big Bro stayed together. Mom got remarried and then the little Bro got married and had a kid himself. The Big Bro (our male lead) is Hiroki and he is still single (29 years old).

The Perp's family stayed together but they were harrassed and had to move constantly. Dad lost his job, Elder Sis (younger to the Perp) got dumped and this incident follows them whereever they ran to.

The Elder Sis (our female lead) is Futaba and she visits Hiroki & Dad's fishing inn to tell them to stop the harrassment. But not only she finds out that they never harrassed Perp Family, Hiroki is actually a very good guy. Well Hiroki thought Futaba came to their inn to commit suicide and he was extra nice to her but in reality he is a good guy. Dad has cancer and he wanted to kill the Perp Bro Fumiya before he expires but after he got out of jail (only 8 years!) he stayed down and never even contacted his own family.

Futaba simply doesn't believe her brother is guilty. Her brother lives and works in an orchard owned by an older man who pays his debts to society by hiring ex cons. There is also his divorced daughter and her little daughter (similar to the age Hiroki's sister Aki was killed).

The two leads are kindred souls and they started to develop feelings for eachother and I like to watch them together. They have that quiet intimacy and they seem very comfortable together. But of course neither of them is ready to confess. Both are damaged but they are trying. It is just that the obstacles are too high. Hiroki claims that he wants to kill Fumiya (the reason is more to do with the possibility of Fumiya doing it again than revenge) and Futaba loves her brother despite everything she went through because of what he did.

Now we don't know for sure Fumiya killed Aki, we did not get to see it. And when he and Futaba met by coincidence (at their Grandmother's nursing home, she is senile) Fumiya asked her to live with him in a town where their true mother lived. Oh the Perp Mom is not the real mother of Fumiya and Futaba  (poor Futaba was only 1 years old when her father remarried) and I feel sorry for the Perp Mom. She was pregnant with a girl when the incident happened and now the girl is 15 and living -relatively- happily, as happy as can be with all the harrassment etc.

It turns out that it was Vic Mom who regularly pays an agency to follow and harrass Perp family. But Hiroki finally made her see the light and she stopped the agency and moved out from the younger Bro's house to Hiroki's fishing inn (now that his father died because of cancer and he is all alone).

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