Monday, September 3, 2012

Bourne Legacy

Oh and for the first time in what seemes months, I have actually gone to a film theater to watch a film. A lot of things contributed to this monumental decision.

* We don't have a TV at home. Some of the pixels were dead and they took it away before providing a replacement. So we are without a TV and even though it doesn't affect me that much (also we had lots and lots of social activities these past weeks) this weekend I realised I have missed getting up and then lazing on the sofa watching TV.

* I have changed my glasses and the optician is at the same mall where the cinema is. (There is something wrong with them by the way, I'll show them to the doctor this evening insaallah)

* I love Edward Norton and saw him in my dream the night before watching the film.

So I have watched The Bourne Legacy and it was not bad but Jeremy Renner is not a good action star - not that he lacked anything action wise - but the best he could be in action is the second man to Tom Cruies (in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol). He just lacks that certain masculine cool factor the good action stars have. Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Michelle Yeoh, Bruce Lee etc. all have that masculine quaility (and I don't mean manly, I want to say something different than manly, otherwise Mr.Norton himself would not be that good in Increadible Hulk, or when we mention Hulk, Eric Bana would have been a great action star. Mr.Renner is a good actor though and I think he'll do much better in drama genre.

Edward Norton was excellent though. He is ageing well and does look great in a shirt and tie. And that silver hair and those steel eyes... Well.. The film was not a total loss.

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