Thursday, September 6, 2012

Still, Life Goes On - End

This drama made me cry tears into the night. It is such a good drama, championing forgiveness, human goodness and making sacrifices to atone (for the guilt you have even if the sin is not your own).

So Fumiya really murdered Aki and not only that but throughout the show he has put a young mother (the divorced daughter of the Orchard owner) into a coma from which she'll probably never wake up.

And what does our heroine do? She volunteers to replace this woman who is harmed by her Bro and look after her daugther and be a daughter to the Orchard owner. She explains Hiroki that even though she loves him, and even though Hiroki may be able to forget his sister's murder, she will not. It is just not possible for them to be together even though they are soul mates. And the way the drama puts it is so touching and subtle. Yes, there will not be a happy ending together for our couple but they manage to find peace on their own through their actions. Futaba being a mom in a far away orchard and Hiroki managing to forgive the killer who murdered his sister. Even his mother is not so revenge minded anymore. She let them visit her daughter's grave too.

Hiroki is such a good good man that he even saved Fumiya from his suicide attempt. He tried to put some hope into him too but to no avail. The only thing that got a reaction (other than murderous intent, dissapointment etc.) out of Fumiya was when he saw the photograph of her mother (whose face he forgot).

Needless to say I fell for Hiroki. Unfortunately Eita is not a good actor. He looks a bit like Kimura, talks like Kimura but he just didn't have the pathos to handle that character and this is a shame really since it is such a good one. The leading lady actor on the other hand was very very good.

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