Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Girl Who Played with Fire

The Girl Who Played With Fire This is the most action packed book of the triology. As a film it is average though since the action scenes were ordinary (at least to this viewer, spoiled by East Asian and U.S.A films) and the rythm of the whole thing was off. Some of the scenes were very good though (Lisbeth trying to lift her arms and level her gun to correctly shoot at her half bro all the while she is covered in dirt and her own blood - Lisbeth questioning a corrupt journalist while wearing face paint) but overall this film was not as exciting as the book (despite being pretty loyal to it)

Meanwhile The Woodlanders took unexpected - for me that is- turns. Poor kind hearted Marty is out of the picture for now and the whole thing revolves around Giles, Grace, Edred and Felice.

At least Grace had the good sense to realise the true nature of her husband. But her marriage is an unhappy one with the infidelities of her husband and she now understand the good nature and worthiness of Giles.

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