Tuesday, September 25, 2012

King 2 Hearts - End, Başkaldıran Kurşunkalem - End, Quicksand- End, The Woodlanders, The Illusionist, Friends with Benefits

First the films

The Illusionist I remember not really caring for this film the first time I saw it but this time I enjoyed it very very much and not just because it stars Edward Norton (my crush on him is probably as tall as he is) but I have managed to overlook Rufus Sewell (seriously that man is a huge turn off whenever I watch him at a film, even when he is a villain) and was entertained.

Friends With Benefits just when I thought they don't make good rom coms anymore (all of them stupid films starring Katherine Heigl) I watched this one and it was instant like on my part. Even when JT is not that good an actor, the real rom com actor is the female one anyway and Mila Kunis knocked it out of the park. Great chemistry between the leads, great use of locations, a good story, lots of close up shots on the actors's faces = one happy viewer.

Now on to the books

Başkaldıran Kurşunkalem  Didn't dissapoint and I'm looking forward to the next book. I love Ferhan Şensoy more as a novelist than a theater actor - not that he is a bad actor, he is OK- and that book is no exception.

Quicksand Ok Junichiro Tanizaki is the man who made reading a sleazy plot with superb and masterful writing possible. It is not a guilty pleasure anymore. The Makioka Sisters is still my fave of his but this one was a nice little novel.

Then I started

The Woodlanders  if I have to name the works of only three novelists to take with me on a deserted island, Thomas Hardy would be one of these names (the other two would be Jane Austen and Haruki Murakami). The Woodlanders is great. I can't believe I have never read it until now and you usually do not get a happy ending with Thomas Hardy and I hope that Giles will end up with Marty and that Grace will be with the -yet- mysterious doctor or something because she doesn't love you Giles and in truth I don't think you love her either. You love Marty and she loves you so much but she doesn't show it. Oh poor, kind hearted Marty.

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