Monday, September 17, 2012

Martyrs, Hanna, Click, Captain America, One Fifth Avenue - End, The Tree With Deep Roots - End, Başkaldıran Kurşunkalem

The Tree With Deep Roots (SPOILERS) was excellent and although it was not a happy end for our fictional characters, as a person who is learning Korean today, Hangul alphabet is a happy ending for me and King Seojong. I love Jang Hyuk and Han Suk Kyu and both were excellent. I didn't like the female lead but this didn't stop me from sobbing my heart out during her death scene. This was a great purchase.

One Fifth Avenue also turned out to be a decent book. It didn't consume me but then again this kind of book usually doesnt.

Currently reading Başkaldıran Kurşunkalem (Rebellious Pencil) this is the second part of an authobiography by Ferhan Şensoy, an actor & playright & writer. I really like his plays and shortstories. His sense of humour definitely appeals to me and this book is no exception. Normally I don't really care for biography/autobiography but this can rewrite a phone book and I'll probably still like it.

Now on to the weekend film haul (now that we have got our TV back all shiny and new)

Martyrs Very good horror film. It was different and interesting. Recommended for the lovers of the genre but stay away from spoilers.

Hanna I have tried to watch that one on the plane but fell asleep but this time I finished it off and didn't really like it or dislike it. It was a so so film. Mostly I don't like the female lead (she was in Atonement and My Lovely Bones)

Click I don't know how many times I have watched this one but I love Adam Sandler and his films for some reason appeal to me. This is no exception.

Captain America I liked the other films better but I didn't fall asleep during or anything.

I have also tried to watch Red Riding Hood but fell asleep somewhere in the middle, woke up and watched the end.

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