Friday, August 31, 2012

Doc Martin Season 3 - End, Adı:Aylin - End, Chilling Romance

Doc Martin Season 3 was not as good as seasons 1 & 2 so I have found myself eager for a change and watched Chilling Romance instead. Not a good decision since while I like Son Ye Jin (pretty and talented) and love Lee Min Ki (how can I not love Geum Soon's younger brother in law?) and the film was a love story, it simply felt not enough. The horror was not that scary and the comedy was not that comic - the only funny joke was repeated again at a later scene- and the editing was lousy. The real problem though was the lack of chemistry between the leads. They are both good actors and they both look good but it just didn't work for me. I'm eager to watch another horror rom com though, I think this genre may work if done right.

After finishing A Kiss at Midnight which turned out to be generic and nothing special (romantic bits were not that good either) but easily readable, I have started Adı:Aylin written by Ayşe Kulin. Now this one was a huge bestseller years ago. Everyone I know had read it then. I just bought it because it came half price and I like Ms.Kulin's Gece Sesleri. I was not ready for this book's power. The titular character is a real life relative of Ms.Kulin's and she had a very interesting life. Of course the writer kept piling compliment upon compliment to her but didn't hide some of the not so good things that she has done. All in all I was so engrossed with it on my return journey from Istanbul (where I my friend Teresa has brought me Chilling Romance and four other hopefully better films) that I actually got into the wrong Metrobus and lost over an hour travel time (which I spent by reading the book of course). Now that it is finished I'm thinking of starting Miyuki Miyabe's The Sleeping Dragon. I'm hopeful for this one too since I like all her other books.

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