Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Tree With Deep Roots Eps-17, Kushiel's Chosen - End, One Fifth Avenue

Well The Tree With Deep Roots was killing me softly and then there came episodes 16-17 where our focus is somehow shifted from Tol Bok to King's debates with Mil Bon (aka the most unintentionally hillarious secret organisation in a K-Drama, why they are almost comic relief!!!)  I love Han Suk Kyu and King Seojong seems to be a awesome guy but I'm kind of invested in Tol Bok now and want to watch more him.

Kushiel's Chosen ended very nicely and I even felt pangs of withdrawal (but not as strong as to start the third book, meanin it is nowhere near Game of Thrones leves).

Instead I have chosen to go to a completely different direction and decided to give Candice Bushnell's One Fifth Avenue a try.  Now obviously Ms.Bushnell is a good writer and I find myself oddly interested with the characters. All in all not a bad choice of book this turned out to be (ironically purchased at a thrift store in SoHo for 1 US dollar) 

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