Friday, July 3, 2009

War And Peace

This morning I have cried while reading a battle scene. Tushin was questioned by the generals and the poor man couldn't defend himself. My Prince Andrey stepped in and explained his heroic actions having witnessed the whole situation unlike the other officer who didn't even want to stay and help Tushin out in retreat operations.

Now I'm in Volume I, Part III, Chapter III and we are back at Russia with Pierre who suddenly is a Count with a substantial fortune. Prince Vasily didn't lose any time in getting him under his clutches and a mere 3 months after he found himself married to Vasily's beautiful daughter Héléne without really understanding what happened. He was completely caught in cunning machinations and his desire for Héléne. Here the book mentions some rumours about Héléne and how her brother Anatole fell in love with her and this incestious scandal caused Anatole to be relocated into the country. Now Prince Vasily wants Anatole to get married to my Prince Andrey's pious sister!!!!!

Meanwhile I'm at a loss at what to watch. Now I come and go between Anand and The Aviator... Or maybe I should continue the Japanese streak and watch Our Mother...

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