Sunday, July 5, 2009

Still War And Peace

Last night was War and Peace again. And I'm very glad to find out that Prince Andrey is not dead. He returned from war on a very dramatic night. His wife gave birth to their son and then died. Andrey did not really love Princess Lisa but somehow he felt very guilty of her death.

Meanwhile Pierre challenged Dolokhov over a small thing but everyone knew that it is really because of all the rumours about his wife. He heavily wounded Dolokhov and this made a dramatic change in his life. He gave a substantial amount to his wife and asked to be separated. On his way back to Petersburg he met a mason and this old gentlemen was there at the right time and he was initiated into the order. Prince Vasily came to convince him to reconcile with his wife but he turned him down, asking him to leave.

Rostov supported Dolokhov all through the duel and helped him to recover and hanged out with him. Dolokhov asked to marry Sonya and she refused him. Rostov discussed this with Sonya and told her that he can not give any promises to her (what a piece of work!) After that he finally understood the true nature of Dolokhov when he gambled with him and lost a huge amount.

Andrey's father is commissioned to recruit for the army (Bonaparte keeps giving trouble to Russians) and Andrey now rightly hates war and doesn't want to go to the front.

Boris kept social climbing in Petersburg and he was successful. He caught the eye of Héléne who asked him to a dinner to her house and then he was a frequent visitor. (Héléne came to Petersburg after Pierre left the city to do some work for the masons)

I feel like watching a film tonight.

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