Wednesday, July 8, 2009

War And Peace Volume II Part IV

I don't want to take a break from this book as I'm completely immersed in the world it presents. The characters and situations are so alive and relevant still in the age we live in.

Prince Andrey fell in love with Natasha and they got engaged! But his grumpy old father did only consented to the wedding if they both agree to wait for one year. Prince Andrey agreed and Natasha also understood as she is also head over heels in love with him. Andrey went to Europe since his health is not so good and told Natasha to go to Pierre if she has any problem about anything. And he also told her not to announce their engagement since maybe she will fall in love with someone else in the meantime. It doesn't look like it now.

Meanwhile Rostov family is having financial troubles and they called Nikolay from the army to help out. He was reluctant but had not choice to agree. He is now in their country house enjoying hunting.

Pierre somehow reconciled with his wife and Héléne is the toast of the town, known as a women of beauty, poise and intelligence. Pierre still suspects her but doesn't do anything for now since he tries to improve and purify his self. But as we all know, it is one of the hardest things to do.

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