Friday, July 31, 2009

Tenessee Williams and Kunal Kohli

I have finished reading Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (both versions) and I loved both of them very much.

Also last night I have watched special features dvd of Fanaa. Loved Kajol and Aamir once again and I like Kunal Kohli - yeah I even liked Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic. Actually I think my least fave film of his is the one that everyone loves Hum Tum.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Fanaa (2006)Directed by Kunal Kohli, written by Shibani Bahtija

This film is actually a lot better the second time. Because now I know what will happen, started to cry at the beginning.. Beautiful music, excellent cinematography and two leads who are perfect actors who also appreciate and excell at "filmi" acting. I enjoyed the film very very much.

Still reading Chekov.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fighting for Love

Fighting for Love (2001) Directed by Joe Ma, written by Yi Han Chow, Oi Wah Lam and Joe Ma
This is an old favorite of my starring Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Sammi Cheng. It was not as loved by the audiences but there is something good in this rom com. I especially like the beginning.

I have finished Cat on a Hot Tin Roof only to find out that Elia Kazan directed the third act differently and now I want to read the different third act but I have already started the story The Peasants by Chekov which is very good, oh well...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lost and Found and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Lost And Found (1996) Directed and written by Ching Ngai Lee.
I can't believe the thing I remembered about this film was Michael Wong playing bag pipe! It is such a good film that wooden acting by both Michael Wong and Kelly Chan has not ruined it at all. Kelly having that beautiful, natural looking face probably helped, and Michael is very easy on the eyes too. But the real gem in the film is Takeshi Kaneshiro. Everything he does is spot on. I liked this film even better the second time around. HK films rock!

Last night as I was looking into my "to read" pile, I discovered plays by Tenessee Williams. Of course I started reading Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and I'm amazed by how good the play is. I have to watch the film now - and I love films from Williams plays. I keep reading Chekov's stories too.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Proposal, Dry Wood Fierce Fire and Chekov

The Proposal (2009) Directed by Anne Fletcher, written by Pete Chiarelli
It is an OK film, nothing really impressive but it was enjoyable and I was entertained. Sandra is nice.

Dry Wood Fierce Fire (2002) Directed by Wilson Yip, written by Kwok Chin Kin, He Gu, Eileen Yeung

This film is special to me since it is the first Hong Kong film I have watched at a Hong Kong cinema. I can't help but enjoy it at every viewing. Miriam Yeung is very lovable and I love how Louis Koo makes fun of his own good looks.

Meanwhile Remember Me is finished and I'm reading Chekov's short stories which are delightful. This is a book I read from time to time. Chekov is a bit gloomy at times and stories are not really that dramatic but his sense of humour and the wonderful prose sucks me in and I find myself sometimes laughing and sometimes pensive.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kabei, Our Mother

Kabei, Our Mother (2008) Directed by Yoji Yamada, Written by Yoji Yamada, Hiromatsu Emiko, adapted from the authobiography of Nogami Teruyo.

I liked it very much despite the fact that the lead actress looked a bit old for the title role. I liked the set design and art direction and also the chemistry among the cast. This director handles melodrama and his actors well. Twilight Samurai is still my fave among his films followed closely by Bushi no Ichibun, I liked Kabei better than The Hidden Blade.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kismat Konnection

Kismat Konnection (2008) Directed by Aziz Mizra, written by Vibha Singh and Sai Kabir (there are lots of other people credited in imdb, but I suspect most of them are to do with lyrics and dialogues.

This one suprised me in a good way. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I don't really care for Shahid Kapoor and Vidya Balan, despite being a good actress does not really impress me. I liked the story in all its predictability and a decent rom com. It reminded me a bit of that Lindsay Lohan film about luck. And some parts reminded of KANK, not plot wise but visually. And I admired Karan Johar even more. Anyway this is a nice story with a good message.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Kiralik Adam finished, started a new book

Remember Me? (2008) Written by Sophie Kinsella

It is one of those light books and I have read her The Undomestic Goddess, Can You Keep A Secret? Shopaholic & Baby and honestly I can't remember whether I have read The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic or not (and no, I have not seen the film) And all these books left nothing but minor traces in me though I remember enjoying reading them and being entertained, as I'm with this book now. When I googled it to find out the publication date, I have come across Remember Me, by Mary Higgins Clark, another writer whose books entertain me while read but don't stay with me for long (except in Mrs. Clark's case Love Music, Love to Dance)

ETA: I forgot to say something about Kiralik Adam, and just as well since it was not really worth mentioning.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pride (End) and a new book

I finished the last four episodes of Pride last night and I loved everything about it. The ending was also to my utmost satisfaction.Looks like romance and drama are the genres I prefer in J-Dramas. They are different from Korean dramas, my favorites, the production values are not as good and they have a different, less melodramatic feel. But when they are good, they are really good. I actually read someone else's meta on Pride this morning and I cried even while reading that since every emotion Pride caused me feel are still raw. I still like Long Vacation better but Pride really was an excellent purchase. And Halu finally won me over!

I have started to read this Turkish novel called Kiralik Adam (trans. Rental Man) 2009, written by Yazgulu Aydogan, a newspaper coloumnist. The story tells the relationship between a successful business woman who reached her fifties and a forty year old male escort who has started doing this when he failed at his finance career. It is the usual, generic prose, easy read but also touches some social sexual issues women in Turkish society suffers from. The guy is chosen by a group who are introducing sex terapy to women who are suffering mental sexual problems vaginismus, repulsion due to abuse etc. The business woman tries to understand and was jealous at first but when she saw how the man suffers since it is a tough job that takes a lot from him, she understands and actually wants him to continue sex terapy and give the escort business for good. Also he is out in society escorting women from her social circle and people think that he is cheating on her.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

War And Peace (End)

This novel which according to Tolstoy cannot really be considered as one, is amazing. The fiction parts were captivating and so alive. The historical fiction parts were interesting too but his prose comes truly alive when describing a hunt, a ball or the feelings and interactions of the fictional characters. No wonder everything in it rang so sincere since after reading the novel I have learned that Tolstoy was an aristocrat who has actually been in a war (Crimean wars) and after being in the society chose to live in the country. This was an amazing experience despite the fact that I had to carry the whole thing around and probably made some arm muscles doing that :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pride And War & Peace

Last night I simply couldn't help but watch four more episodes of Pride. Long Vacation is still more my kind of drama but Pride has its good points. Acting is not as good but the writing is great, despite the bad subtitles, most probably translated from Chinese to English (the way they do for Turkish subs).

Episode 5 got me cry like a baby, a side story for the goal keeper of the hockey team Blue Scorpions. He accidentally hit and killed a boy and trying to make up for his mistake for 12 years playing hockey, since the dead boy was playing hockey. Haru tried to snap him out of the guilt with the help of his teammates but to no avail. Then he visited the parents of the boy and asked them to forgive the goalie. And they both did. His mother even gave him the boy's hockey charm.

Meanwhile the OTP was going so well, filled with mutual love and understanding. Even the visit from his mother asking for money only helped to strengthen their relationship. But I simply can not like these two as much as I did Sena and Minami, and can't help but compare since I left no breathing time between the dramas. Aki is a great lady but she feels so matronly (not looks wise) and Haru is really difficult despite having a golden heart.

The dead coach's wife told Haru something that made me think. Haru said to her that most women like gentle men (gentle is really not the right term but closest) but the widow corrected him saying that some women like gentle men since they are not gentle themselves. But some women who are gentle feel more at ease with men who are hard to get along. Haru is such a man and despite the fact that I think he'd make a great friend I simply can't imagine myself being in a relationship with him. Sena on the other hand is very gentle and I love him to bits. So I guess based on the J-Drama logic, I'm hard to get along with and not gentle- heh.

Also Aki's boyfriend showed up right after the couple made love and both of them were so happy! Natsu (the names in Japanese refer to seasons, Haru: spring, Aki: Autumn and Natsu: Summer) asked to meet but Aki told him that she will not be there. And Haru made a spare key of his flat to give to Aki. But that old drama chestnut happened and they both waited in front of the other's house and couldn't meet. Haru came to the brigde but before Aki was able to say anything he talked as if wanting to end the relationship. Aki was crying and walked towards Natsu. That's where the episode ended...
Side effect of this drama: Queen's "I Was Born to Love You" constantly plays in mind - good thing I love Queen.

War & Peace alternates between historical comments and fictional events. There is an eight year time jump in the story and Nikolay got married to Princess Marya. Cleared his not deceased father's debts without selling his wife's properties and even turned into a succesfull farmer and increased the income of the estates and adding to them.
Natasha and Pierre are also married. But the book hasn't ended yet so I'm expecting more information.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pride -(and War & Peace)


It is very good but I can't seem to warm up to the characters while still in the Long Vacation after glow. It was a mistake to start this but when my dvd of Kismet Konnection didn't play I grabbed to Pride for comfort.
Haru is very different from Senna and credit to Kimu Taku to play them so well. But I can't seem to warm up to him, he has lots of baggage... But then again who doesn't? Aki on the other hand is not someone I instantly liked as I did Minami.

Finally Tolstoy started to tell us what happened to the characters starting with Pierre, who is at last free of his inner and outer troubles and even met Natasha and there seems to be a mutual attraction. Princess Marya wants this to happen since she likes both of them.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Drillbit Taylor

Drillbit Taylor (2008) Directed by Steven Brill, written by Seth Rogen, Kristofor Brown

It was a decent passtime mostly due to Owen Wilson. I like this actor somehow. I stress on somehow since I can not actually say what specificly is so special about him. Anyway this entertained me on some level.

Also I watched a rerun of a TV programme where one of my favorite directors, Nuri Bilge Ceylan was interviewed. I liked him and his films even better after the interview. He is so aware of what he wants to show in his films, so precise in his decisions...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Long Vacation, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince and Fantastic Four, The Rise of the Siver Surfer

Ok we go from bad to good.

Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Siver Surfer (2007) Directed by Tim Story, Written by Don Payne, Mark Frost adapted from Marvel Comic of the same name created by Stan Lee
This is just a stupid film with very good special effects. Nothing worth mentioning.

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (2009) Directed by David Yates, Written by Steve Kloves adapted from the novel of the same name written by J.K Rowling
I loved it. Sure it is a condensed version of the novel, with most of the Snape bits gone but I liked how the director gave all the emotions and interactions, the cave and the horcrux scene was wonderful, so was Hermoine's birds.

Long Vacation (1996) Directed by Nagayama Kozo, Suzuki Masayuki, Usui Hirotsugu. Written by Kitagawa Eriko

I did a marathon of this drama last night. 7 episodes and I couldn't stop until I finished it. It was really good. Especially Kimura Takuya as Seno and Yamaguchi Tomoko as Minami. Everything in it felt real in that drama sense and I invested in the characters. And the kissing scenes were fantastic especially the last one - I admit to rewinding. This is the first J-Drama I really liked (so far I have seen Gokusen, Hana Yori Dango (1) and Nodame Cantabile).

Meanwhile I still read War and Peace but I'm losing that special excitement. It is more to do with the continous comments on the war and critisim of what the various historians wrote about it. I wish we could go back to the characters. Still, I'm curious about what's going to happen to Natasha, Marya and Nikolay.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Long Vacation and War & Peace

Last night we had guest over for dinner and there was not time to engage in any reading or viewing. But I read more of War And Peace and eagerly awaiting for more of Long Vacation
First W&P, Petya died and Rostov family is in great pain. The poor thing was so eager to be included in action that he was reckless and killed instantly by a bullet to the head during an attack. This attack in question saved Pierre who was taken prisoner by the French Army. Meanwhile Natasha and Princess Marya became close friends united in their pain for Andrey. Natasha is feeling guilty since she thinks Andrey misunderstood her and gave up on living in order for her not to be tied to an invalid for her life. But with Petya's death she needed to return to life to take care of her mother who is beyond consolation. But her health declined all through this and now she is returning to Moscow with Princess Marya to see a doctor.
Tolstoy is a great writer but I enjoy the trials and turbulations of the characters more than reading the stages of war and his theories about what actually happened. War is my least favorite genre and even though I do read everything with curiousty I'm more eager and into the book when we returned to our characters.
Now on to Long Vacation: This drama is my fourth J Drama and currently my favorite since the people in it are not behaving like manga characters and I like our lead pair with their more real to life issues and interaction. The actors are both good and Kimu Taku is georgeous.
Currently our OTP is sharing a flat and interfering with each other's life. Her brother Shinji is a great pianist but preferes to just "hang out".

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Long Vacation & War And Peace

Long Vacation turns out to be as good as everyone says it is. I'll write longer when I find more time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

War And Peace - Volume IV, Part II, Chapter 14

Last night I couldn't write, we were invited to a balcony BBQ and came home late. I eagerly started to read but then ..... Prince Andrey DIED!!! It came as a total shock and sadness sweeped over me. How could this happen? I thought his wound was healing but then suddenly his will to live and his love lost over the peace of death. At least he made up with Natasha, forgave her, declared his love and get to see Princess Marya and his son Nikolay. Leo Tolstoy how could you? I really was rooting for this OTP.

Meanwhile Sonya was sure that my Prince will live and written a letter to Nikolay freeing him of his promise to marry her, thinking that since Natasha and Andrey are getting married their siblings will not be able to (the law was such in Russia at those times). But now Andrey is dead and Nikolay is free... I don't really like Sonya that much but can't help but feel sorry for her.

Tonight I hope to start another J-Drama, which is called Long Vacation. I like Takuya Kimura a lot and hope that I will be included in the vast majority who loves this drama.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ikigami and War & Peace

Ikigami (2008) Directed by Takimoto Tomoyuki, adapted from Mase Motorou's manga by Takimoto Tamayuki, Akimatsu Sasaki and Yatsu Hiroyuki

This film hit me with all its unexpected melodrama. I checked the plot up which is how the government injects everybody when they enter elementary school and one of thousand kids is inserted with a capsule that will kill him in the appointed time (somewhere between 20 to 25 years old). The victims receive a notice called ikigami 24 before to sort their affairs out. I was expecting some kind of an action thriller but the whole thing is about the thoughts and lives of the victims. It really produced tears and I was captivated with the whole thing. The actors were good the cinematography generic with some nice compositions that show up at unexpected times.

War and Peace still captivates me and now the battle of Borodin is just started. The night before Pierre and Andrey met and talked about war. Andrey remembered Natasha and could not sleep since he still misses her and probably his happiness when he was with her. I do agree that what Natasha did was bad, but everyone makes mistakes and she was unexperienced and let her passions conquer her feelings and reason. Now she regrets what she has done. And even though Prince Andrey is my literary crush and I really want him for myself, I hope that he and Natasha will somehow end up together. And I'm so glad that I have not read anything about this novel since not knowing adds to the pleasure (also I realise how I totally forgot everything I learned about world history!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke

Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke (1993) Directed by Manesh Bhatt, Written By Robin Bhatt, Aamir Khan, Sujit Sen

This was an enjoyable film. But I do not really like Juhi Chawla and contrary to popular belief I do not think they are a good jodi. Yes, I have seen Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak, a sweet film, but I think somehow Juhi makes Aamir look really short. He is not like that with Urmilla or Kajol... The story again is one of those "only in fiction" types. It is good natured and entertaining though.

I had to take a break from War And Peace since I fell asleep as soon as the film was over.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bewafaa And War & Peace

Bewafaa (2005) Directed and Written by Damesh Darshan
This film is what the phrase WTF was invented for. It was so bad that I was entertained and even watched The Making of docu just to see what they were thinking.
Oddly enough I loved the performance of Kareena Kapoor, an actress I don't usually care for.

War & Peace thank God is still wonderful. Interesting things happened mainly Princess Marya (that is Prince Andrey's sister) was having trouble with the serfs after their father has passed away and Nikolay Rostov was there to save the day. These two even started to have feelings for eachother but there is the problem of Sonya to whom Nikolay gave his promise.

Pierre decided to join the army and Denisov showed up in the story again to meet with Prince Andrey and join the army.

Friday, July 10, 2009

War And Peace Volume III, Part II

I fell asleep with the book on my lap and the lights on last night. I need to take a break before I'm consumed :)

French army is invading deeper and they are approaching to Moscow. Prince Andrey advised his father, his sister and son to leave Bald Hills and move to Moscow since their house is on the French army's way.

Pierre is so deeply in love with Natasha that he has stopped visiting Rostov's.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

War And Peace Volume III, Part I

Last night I could not stop reading and end up staying up to nearly 03 a:m. But poor Andrey and poor Natasha. She waited for a whole year for him and ended up falling to Anatole's evil plans (aided by Héléne and Dolokhov) Thank God that Sonya was careful and attentive enough to prevent their escape and Natasha and her family were saved from further ruin. She is so young and mistook sexual attraction for love and with the after effects of the cold reception at the Bolkonsky household (while Prince Andrey was still on the way to Moscow) Natasha fell for Anatole's physical charms and broke her engagement with Andrey.

Andrey was heartbroken and returned all her letters and her portrait. Meanwhile she found out that Anatole was already married from Pierre (who by the way is head over heels in love with Natasha).

She attempted suicide but got scared and fell terribly ill only now recuparating with the aid of praying to God.

Napoleon started an invasion to Russia and Prince Andrey is now in the army (also looking for Anatole and when he finds him he fully intends to challenge him to a duel).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

War And Peace Volume II Part IV

I don't want to take a break from this book as I'm completely immersed in the world it presents. The characters and situations are so alive and relevant still in the age we live in.

Prince Andrey fell in love with Natasha and they got engaged! But his grumpy old father did only consented to the wedding if they both agree to wait for one year. Prince Andrey agreed and Natasha also understood as she is also head over heels in love with him. Andrey went to Europe since his health is not so good and told Natasha to go to Pierre if she has any problem about anything. And he also told her not to announce their engagement since maybe she will fall in love with someone else in the meantime. It doesn't look like it now.

Meanwhile Rostov family is having financial troubles and they called Nikolay from the army to help out. He was reluctant but had not choice to agree. He is now in their country house enjoying hunting.

Pierre somehow reconciled with his wife and Héléne is the toast of the town, known as a women of beauty, poise and intelligence. Pierre still suspects her but doesn't do anything for now since he tries to improve and purify his self. But as we all know, it is one of the hardest things to do.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Kaho Na... Pyaar Hai (and War & Peace)

Kaho Na... Pyaar Hai (2000) Directed by Rakesh Roshan, Written By Rakesh Roshan, Saghar Sarhadi, Honey Irani, Ravi Kapoor

This film was the one I chose when Akshay Kumar film I decided to watch didn't play on my dvd player. Indian films have that tendency even when they are legal (I'm against piracy). So I took a chance on this one and while it was not a good film in any way, it entertained me with its total unintentional silliness.
The lovers Rohit (Hrithik Roshan) and Sonia (Amisha Patel) meet cute and after being stranded on a deserted island they fall in love. But Rohit is a struggling musician and Sonia is the daughter of a rich businessman. Rohit is not the kind to ask for his father in law to be for help though, and he reaches an agreement with the father (Anupam Kher) that if he makes something of himself on his own, then he will let Sonia marry her. Evil dad agrees but he is also a drug lord in cahoots with two rotten police officers and when his henchman met the new Commissioner the three of them kill him with Rohit witnessing the whole thing. Poor Rohit dies trying to get away from them. Sonia is devasted and evil dad sends her to New Zealand to stay with her uncle. There she meets Raj who is like a clone of Rohit (understandibly since he is also acted by Hrithik Roshan)...

This film is good for entertainment but low on quality, Hrithik suprised me in his decent portrayal of Rohit though.

War and Peace continues to be exciting. Poor Denisov's appeal is rejected and now Napoleon became a friend of Russian Empire. Boris continues to be on the rise. Poor Rostov is sad because he couldn't help Denisov.

And Prince Andrey finally decided to rejoin the land of the living and do good for the humanity. He saw Natasha at Rostovs' country house and her vivacity and love for life affected him. Tsar doesn't like him very much but he befriended his most trusted advisor.

Pierre on the other hand is not happy with his mason brothers. He observes that they are only after the show of the whole secret order thing and don't really care for the principles. He went abroad to meet with the other masons and just returned to Petersburg to share his recent knowledge with the Russian masons.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Anand (and War & Peace)

Last night I watched

Anand (1971) Directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee, Written by Hrishikesh Mukherjee, Gulzar, Bimal Dutta and D.N Mukherjee

This is, once again, a wonderful film by Mr.Mukherjee. I have seen his film Abhimaan and loved how it is directed simply but with finesse and a sensitivity to details of ordinary gestures and conversations we have in life. As a lover of melodrama, I still like it very much when the film avoids it. Anand tells the story of, well, Anand (Rajesh Khanna) who is a terminal cancer patient but tries to face it bravely and gives happiness to the people whose lives he touched. These include Dr.Banerjee (Amitabh Bachchan) who is discouraged by all the misery, poverty and hopeless cases around him.
I highly recommend this film as an example of telling a story without the usual button pushing but still making the viewer care about the characters and their outcome. I have cried buckets but my heart was duly warmed.

Meanwhile War and Peace is still going strong. It is amazing how wonderfully written this novel is.

Pierre tries to do good but he is weak and easily swindled by people who work for him. He has gone to see his business and tries to improve himself and his serfs in compliance with the principles of the masons. Returning to Petersburg, he dropped by to see his old friend Prince Andrey and managed to thaw his frozen heart a bit.

Rostov is back in the army and pretty happy about it but the Russian army does not have enough supplies and the soldiers are undernourished and fall sick. Denisov forced an infantry supply carriage to leave its cargo with his division (Pavlogard Hussars) and he found himself being accused of thievery and courtmarshalled because of this. Then the poor man was shot in the leg and tried to use this small injury as a means to get hospitalised and avoid court. But when Rostov visited him he found that the hospital is a horrible place and Denisov tried to do his best to avoid it. Even though this means going against his beliefs since he doesn't think what he did was thievery but helping out his poor soldiers.

New shipment arrived from India and I'm looking forward to watch Akshay Kumar tonight, insaallah.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Still War And Peace

Last night was War and Peace again. And I'm very glad to find out that Prince Andrey is not dead. He returned from war on a very dramatic night. His wife gave birth to their son and then died. Andrey did not really love Princess Lisa but somehow he felt very guilty of her death.

Meanwhile Pierre challenged Dolokhov over a small thing but everyone knew that it is really because of all the rumours about his wife. He heavily wounded Dolokhov and this made a dramatic change in his life. He gave a substantial amount to his wife and asked to be separated. On his way back to Petersburg he met a mason and this old gentlemen was there at the right time and he was initiated into the order. Prince Vasily came to convince him to reconcile with his wife but he turned him down, asking him to leave.

Rostov supported Dolokhov all through the duel and helped him to recover and hanged out with him. Dolokhov asked to marry Sonya and she refused him. Rostov discussed this with Sonya and told her that he can not give any promises to her (what a piece of work!) After that he finally understood the true nature of Dolokhov when he gambled with him and lost a huge amount.

Andrey's father is commissioned to recruit for the army (Bonaparte keeps giving trouble to Russians) and Andrey now rightly hates war and doesn't want to go to the front.

Boris kept social climbing in Petersburg and he was successful. He caught the eye of Héléne who asked him to a dinner to her house and then he was a frequent visitor. (Héléne came to Petersburg after Pierre left the city to do some work for the masons)

I feel like watching a film tonight.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

War And Peace - Volume II

I couldn't leave War and Peace last night. The novel is so good that I simply had to keep reading.

Devastating things happened at the battle in Austerlitz. Napoleon beat the Russian/Austrian armies and my Prince Andrey got wounded and captured by the French. Napoleon asked a doctor to take care of the wounded but he declared that my Prince will not get well and left him to the care of the locals (Austrians). I hope that he didn't die.

Princess Marya refused to marry Anatole thank God. She saw him hugging Mademosielle in the winter garden and suddenly understood that her father is right. Yeah he maybe overbearing, moody and possesive but at least he has her best interests in his heart. And he would have let her go if she accepted to marry.

After the battle Rostov went back to his family who rejoiced in the meeting and showered him with love and affection. He is very happy now and decided not to try to marry Sonya (yet).

Dolokov is rumoured to be involved with Héléne and Pierre, although much respected and welcome everywhere, does not seem to be happy in his marriage.

I just hope that Prince Andrey is not dead, the book will still be excellent without him but I started to care for this fictional character so much that I'll feel really bad if he dies.

Friday, July 3, 2009

War And Peace

This morning I have cried while reading a battle scene. Tushin was questioned by the generals and the poor man couldn't defend himself. My Prince Andrey stepped in and explained his heroic actions having witnessed the whole situation unlike the other officer who didn't even want to stay and help Tushin out in retreat operations.

Now I'm in Volume I, Part III, Chapter III and we are back at Russia with Pierre who suddenly is a Count with a substantial fortune. Prince Vasily didn't lose any time in getting him under his clutches and a mere 3 months after he found himself married to Vasily's beautiful daughter Héléne without really understanding what happened. He was completely caught in cunning machinations and his desire for Héléne. Here the book mentions some rumours about Héléne and how her brother Anatole fell in love with her and this incestious scandal caused Anatole to be relocated into the country. Now Prince Vasily wants Anatole to get married to my Prince Andrey's pious sister!!!!!

Meanwhile I'm at a loss at what to watch. Now I come and go between Anand and The Aviator... Or maybe I should continue the Japanese streak and watch Our Mother...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nodame Cantabile Finished

I actually finished it the night before. The last disc contained 3 episodes. All in all I liked this show only for the music.

As it happens it is hard for me to invest in the characters and their trials when it is mixed with over the top comedy (I actually do like it but apparently only in Indian films)

Also I was not able to get a satisfying closure in neither of the three J-Drama shows I have seen so far. Maybe I'm spoiled with K-Dramas but I like it when everything is nicely tied up.

War & Peace is still so much fun. And the focus now in on my Prince Andrey who is getting better and better with each chapter. War has started and even the detailed scenes of battle are not enough to turn me off the book.