Monday, February 29, 2016

Ride Along

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Ride Along was not a film I was interested in but since the sequel had a great box office I thought I'd give it a chance. First off I like Ice Cube. There is something in his on screen presence that appeals to me and I like Kevin Hart too. So I actually had a good time with this film and laughed out loud a few times. Ice Cube is the straight man to Kevin's comedic role and they have good chemistry. Recommended (unless you don't like either of the leads)  


Victoria is a film I want to write about. So expect lots of spoilers and long musings.

The film tells the story of one night/morning combo in Berlin and we follow Victoria, a Spanish girl from Madrid living in Berling and working at a café. We see her first at a night club dancing to club music. She then goes to the bar and orders a schnapps, she also asks the barman if he likes one as well (he doesn't). She drinks her schnapps and visits the loo and then goes out and I finally figured out that she is there on her own.

God I felt old. In one corner of my mind I tried to remember the last time I was that reckless but I couldn't. Maybe it was growing in a society where one has a lot of friends to hang out with when one is young but it never occurred to me at no point in my youth to visit a night club and dance on my own. I was curious about this Victoria. Although there are clues to her being lonely, she is not seeking out sex. She doesn't have any make up, her hair is not blow dried, she has on a jean and a t-shirt and she wears a regular sweater and a hooded light coat going out. This is not a girl who seeks out a bed mate. While going out someone in line asks whether it is good inside and she says she doesn't speak German. He asks in English and she says it is good inside and then goes out, takes her bike and starts to head somewhere (probably home). The guy who asked her the question and his three friends were not allowed in and say hello while she is riding her bike. She is not scared or intimidated as I would have been with four drunk men (one, clearly Turkish since he wears a hideous flashy leather jacket and a red headband and another with a shaved head) making gentle passes at her but it is clearly Sonne who likes her best. The other guys in the gang are Boxer, Blinker and Fuss. They try to tell her some lies about owning a car and owning a shop but not really trying to con her, they are just bored, drunk and looking for fun. She joins them in their fun and even helps steal beers from a Turkish shop (whose owner is blissfully asleep) She doesn't drink much and they offer to show her the streets and then their secret rooftop and she says yes. Four of them go to the rooftop and drink the beers and share a joint. She then has to go to the café she works where she will sleep for a few hours before opening the café. It doesn't make sense to go home now. Sonne escorts her to the café and after small flirtation she asks him in for a cocoa and he says yes. He tries to show off as a piano player on the piano at the café. But Victoria turns out to be a real piano player and she plays a beautiful peace (Mephisto Waltz?) mesmerising us and Sonne. She then tells her story that she has worked her ass off from childhood and told at the end of her teens that she needs to quit since she is not good enough. All her life she did nothing but play piano (that is why she doesn't have any friends, and that is why she moves to another city) and cries a bit. Sonne is tender and compassionate and they kiss but a phone call from Boxer interrupts their little romance and Sonne explains that Boxer owes something to the people who protected him in jail so all four will be doing something unspecified for that man. And he'd like to see her again and she likes to see him again too.

Just as she brushed her teeth the four of them come back with Fuss being really drunk and vomitting and passing out. They need to be four people to go see this man and Boxer asks Sonne to ask Victoria and surprisingly she says yes. She goes with them they get into some bad stuff at which point I really wanted them to make the right decisions since basically all five are not bad people. But they don't make the right decisions, they make all the wrong decisions and in the end Sonne, Boxer and Blinker die (Fuss probably goes to jail for some time) and Victoria is left with something like 45000 Euros and a night to remember.

This film tells the story very nicely and the actors all are good (of course it helps that we don't remember seeing them anywhere else) and I was really affected by the whole thing.

Recommended (to remember your youth if you are old at least)   

The Crimson Petal and The White

The Crimson Petal and The White Well googling for country tag is turning me more knowledgeable than I thought I'd be. Michael Faber, the writer of this wonderful novel turns out to be Dutch. Surprise. I liked this novel a lot. First of all it is historical but if one has to choose between popular writers it is closer so Dickens than Austen. There are a lot of nasty details the reader is usually spared (maybe not in Dickens, Eyre or Gaskell) but there are lots of fun things to read as the environment is described in detail. And I liked the slow rythm of the novel, taking time to introduce each character and allow the reader to develop feelings for them (as I did).

Red Sparrow

Red Sparrow ok while I was trying to figure out which country to tag for the novel, I have found out that the writer is an ex CIA operator. Well I'm sure there were lots of exciting things happened to him but his style of storytelling was just not for me. I either want to be wowed by the prose (Le Carré) or give the old brain a rest while running on the excitement (I'm Pilgrim). This one is neither and there is something off with the rythm of the story. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

To Rome With Love

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To Rome With Love -deep sigh- I like Woody Allen films. Even this one was interesting to me. I say "even" since he tried to cram everything including the kitchen sink (or shower stall) in it. There is the usual trope of betrayal, a muse who is not very bright and this time tries to act as if well read, neurotic men (this time 4 of them) and pretty and smart women. The most favorite storyline for me was the architect remembering years ago and a lost love in the streets of Rome (the past is told while his old self is right there giving advice to his younger self), one story involves a couple who gets separated due to circumstances and one falls with an actor while the other has to pretend that a prostitute is his wife. Another storyline is about a regular guy suddenly becoming a celebrity for no reason at all (this was my least favorite probably due to Roberto Benigni, an actor/director I can't like), and there is another one of two people meeting and falling in love and their parents meet and the father of the would be groom has a great opera voice which the father of the bride (Woody Allen), who is an opera producer, tries to put to good use. I can understand why this one is not as loved as Barcelona, Barcelona (which had only two stories) but I liked it an as with all Woody Allen films, engaged till the end. 

Sleeping With Other People

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Sleeping With Other People was lying there on Dvdigi list and I didn't want to check it out since I don't really like Jason Sudeikis and fail to think of him as a rom com lead. It was going to be my loss since I loved the film despite the fact that I didn't have anything in common with anyone in the film and the leads are not conventional rom com leads. First off I loved it that the film treated the women the same way as men. And I loved the relationship of the leads. This is totally a first world problem film but it is sensitive and entertaining.

The leads meet in college and they sleep together and it is the first time for both. The female lead Lainey is obsessed with another guy and she keeps having sex with that guy and this ruins the normal relationships she has. The male lead is an asshole who tries to argue his infidelities in the nastiest ways possible and these two meet again after 12 years at a sex addict meeting. And as they start a strictly non sexual relationship they start to heal each other and actually start to lead more normal lives. And the only things that stood between these two are their own feelings and insecurities.

Surprisingly I recommend since I loved both leads and their side kicks and secondary males/females. 

Finders Keepers

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Finders Keepers was nice to watch since it had that clean type of cinematography that I like. The doll was suitably creepy and I loved the close up shots of the actors' faces. It was not really scary but then very little horror fiction manages to scare me nowadays. 

Machine Gun Preacher

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Machine Gun Preacher seemed to pop from everywhere since Digiturk got it in its programme but for some reason, despite liking Gerard Butler as a hunk, I never wanted to watch it. Anyway this time I did and it was an interesting viewing, especially as in the end I have found out that this is a story of a real life person who actually keeps on doing what he does.

Of course I cried but it was not really my type of film and not because Michelle Monoghan was the female lead (this lady just doesn't work for me, at all). 

Mamma Mia

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Mamma Mia was just as good the second time. Not only that I love ABBA but I love Merly Streep and Amanda Seyfried and Christine Baranski. All in all this was once again an entertaining film viewing especially because my mother liked it just as much. 

The Last Witch Hunter

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The Last Witch Hunter is a Vin Diesel film where he gets to fight with a sword agains sorcery and stuff. Well I like the guy. He, for some reason gets me attracted to him every time I watch him and this mediocre film was no exception. 

The Wedding Singer

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The Wedding Singer is one of those films I can (and do) watch over and over and enjoy it a lot. I have weakness for Adam Sandler and the only film of his that I can't really stand is The Cobbler (yeah I do love the guy). Anyway he is at this best in this one, playing kind hearted wedding singer falling for the wedding hall waitress who is engaged to a womaniser. 

Kate and Leopold

Kate and Leopold was not a film that I was curious about (despite vaguely remembering having seen it in theatre) since I definitely didn't like post plastic surgery Meg Ryan and for some reason I never found Hugh Jackman attractive. Seriously the only time he makes me remotely want him is when he is Wolverine (yeah I'm sure he'll be devastated to hear this). Anyway I never appreciated this film because I didn't like its stars but this time around I liked it. The way she is a career woman who is not really happy at her job, the way he is way ahead of time and he is respectful to women and obviouly likes them and appreciates them all sort of worked for me. So sometimes it pays off to give fiction a second chance.  

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl was presented as "comedy" on the in flight selection and after laughing out loud at Spy I thought I was finally into comedy and wanted to laugh more. So I chose this one thinking that it is going to be 'some self congratulating its cleverness' indie USA comedy. And I was wrong. This turned out to be a full blown melodrama disguised and indie teen comedy. Yes there were issues such as teen angst, not fitting anywhere, arguing with best friend etc. but these were all background as far as I'm concerned since there is a very likable teen girl who is dying from leukemia and the stupid script informs us not to be sad since she will not die. But she does. Yes I spoiled you since I wanted to spare you the pain. I have cried so much during this even though I genuinely believed that this girl would live. She didn't. She died, not even 19. I still tear up even remembering it so beware. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

What Happens in Vegas

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What Happens in Vegas is a film I like. And it made the flight more entertaining despite the heavy censure of some scenes (in flight cinema is like that unfortunately so it is better to choose films that would not be subject to that). Anyway in this one Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher are two very different characters who somehow get close when they were checked in to the same room by mistake. They get married (totally drunk of course) and just when they both agreed to the amicable annulment the next morning, he wins the jackpot with her quarter. I love it that she is the older career women and he is the younger slacker and how they both fall for each other having to live in the same house (one of my favorite story tropes) 


Warbreaker is the stand alone novel I chose after completely fell for first two novels of The Stormlight Archives series. Well this one was interesting and certainly entertained me through some of the hikes in Kauai and I enjoyed it a lot but it felt a bit YA and I doubt that I would choose to read another Sanderson novel if this was the first one I read (or listened to). 

Fathers and Daughters

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Fathers and Daughters knock me off unexpectedly. Not only the story seemed interesting to me but also the performances were great (but then again the cast is all actors I like) with a cute little girl. The Father is a writer (yeah this film had me at hello) and the story is told in twofold. One past the other present day (when the little girl is grown up). I cried and cried and cried. Yeah it is another first world problems film but it touched me and I'm very glad I watched it. This may not be to everyone's taste though.

Ok I just found out that the director's one other film was The Pursuit of Happyness (I cannot watch it again since I have cried so so much during the first viewing) so it looks like Mr. Gabriele Muccino knows how to turn my taps on. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Legend of the Condor Heroes

Legend of The Condor Heroes (or Eagle Shooting Heroes) is a martial art novel written by Jin Yong. He is one of my favorite writers who manages to transcend generations and cultures with his art. Now this novel is not officially translated to English but readers translate it as a non profit project and I actually helped in the editing of some sections of the below translation.

Guo Jing is my favorite character in this novel. Although with average intellect he has a great heart and he is very principled. However as I age I seem to understand how everyone loves Yang Guo (who is the hero of the second novel Return of the Condor Heroes) who is more complicated with lots of issues. I don't know I think a girl would be happier with Guo Jing.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blood Games

Blood Games was so forgettable I actually forgot that I read it until I saw it on my Kindle yesterday. It was entertaining at the time though and now that I remember it, I'm not unhappy to have read it. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

For A Few Dollars More

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For A Few Dollars More is a great viewing. And it turned out that I have not seen it before. It was amazing to realise that since I love Clint Eastwood and I really like Mr. Leone. Lee Van Cleef was also very good but I have to admit to liking The Good The Bad and The Ugly much better. This one I'll recommend if you like the genre and maybe want to see actors who are not plastic. 

It's Complicated

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I's Complicated was entertaining and Meryl Streep is always a delight to watch. An actor for all ages and genres. It is again the first world problems and this time the people involved are rich too. 

Neşeli Günler

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Neşeli Günler eğlenceli ve nostaljik bir izleme oldu. Zaten bu filmi sevmeyen yoktur herhalde. Bence sirkeli turşu suyu daha güzel oluyor :) 

Pitch Perfect

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Pitch Perfect is one of those USA films where one overcomes various difficulties to win at a certain competition (cheerleading, basketball, orchestra etc. etc.) This time it is acapella. I only watched this as a distraction and it served its purpose but I can't say I really liked it. 

Beauty Inside

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Beauty Inside is a film I was curious about. The premise is interesting and I love the lead actress Han Hyo Joo. The story is about a man who wakes up in a different body every day. The bodies differ without a pattern one day he is a handsome man, the other day a little girl, one day caucasian the next black... So it is a hard life for this man. Thank God for the internet because he is a furniture maker (both designing and building them) who sells on line with his best high school friend as his agent/partner. This one was convinced at high school. The affliction started on the day he is 18. Well one day he falls in love with this pretty and kind woman. He actually tries a first date (when he is in a handsome body) but it is hopeless despite him trying not to sleep and only last two days. In the end he explains and shows his situation to her and they start a relationship since she is head over heels for him too.

I like the fact that this film turned out to be realistic (despite the plot) the focus is on the problems one would have with a partner who is like this. She starts to see a psychiatrist and takes medicine.


And I loved the fact that it had a happy ending.  Many tears were shed during the viewing. 

Driving Miss Daisy

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Driving Miss Daisy is not a film I was particularly eager to watch but I didn't have a lot of choices so I gave it a try and it just is not my type of film. Although some amount of tears were shed during the viewing and the cast was fine indeed. 

Best Served Cold

Best Served Cold is the first stand alone novel of The First Law AU. Now I have LOVED the trilogy and kind of fell for Glockta. This one is a revenge novel (inspired by films like Kill Bill the author says - and Joe Abercrombie is hillarious on youtube, he is very funny and articulate and good looking too) and I love revenge in fiction (in real life it puzzles me, the optimist who easily forgets the wrongs done to her). So my expectations were a bit high and they were met although I didn't fall in love as I did with the trilogy. Although now I want to read the other two novels (Heroes - a war novel, despite war being my least fave genre and Red Country - a western) soon.

I like the fact that our heroine was just as good as the rest of the male characters. And I liked the fact that we met some of the characters in the trilogy (but not Glockta :( ).

Anyway this one sustained me very well at the beach in Hanalei (yeah my idea of a beach read, weird I know) and enhanced my general sense of elation.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Jurassic Park

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Jurassic Park still worked. Amazing.


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Spy is a film I have only started to watch to fill the time on air. Surprisingly to me, I liked it very much and laughed a lot during my viewing. This is one of those buddy actors film where the actors know each other and enjoy working together. And it is a hillarious spy film spoof with a feminist message. I laughed almost all the jokes and loved Melissa McCarthy in the lead (a techie turned field agent) They made fun of Jason Statham's tough guy persona, the villain is female and hillarious, there is an unexpected love story etc. etc. For some reason this worked for me and I recommend. 


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Aloha is a film no one liked. And with good reason too. Ok this viewer loves Cameron Crowe (I even liked Elizabethtown) and loves Rachel McAdams and liked Emma Stone. Furthermore this viewer thinks Hawaii is heaven on earth (visited the state 3 times). So how come I don't like this film. No because I don't like the male leads Bradley Cooper (how come people think this guy is handsome is a puzzle to me) and John Krazinski (the most prominent trait of this guy's entertainment persona is how much he loves his wife) since I did like some other films starring Mr. Cooper.
This film just misses everything. The jaded man on the road to redemption with the aid of love is a Crowe theme (worked best in Jerry Maguire), the quirky female lead who helps him there is usually a lovable role but here all the mannerisms are exaggerated. And I doubt it is Ms. Stone's fault. The beautiful Hawaii is just not enough to save this one and I'm not even going how Emma Stone's character is Asian. Even I cannot recommend this one. 

Memories of The Sword

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Memories of the Sword is one of those melodramatic martial art films with beautiful cinematography (a la Chinese film Hero). Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon has started this I suppose but that is a superb film with a great script and wonderful action - so it may not be the included in this subgenre. The best film of that ilk would be Ashes of Time by Wong Kar Wai. Anyway this one is a novel attempt and in the end moved me to tears but only because I'm that sort of viewer. I knew that this one doesn't work but the performances were so good and the revenge so out of this world that I actually fell for the whole thing towards the end. Jeon Do Yeon is fantastic and Lee Byung Hun is wonderful and the younger two actors were decent too. It is not that good mostly due to that certain elusive film chemistry I suppose since the film doesn't do anything wrong. I'll recommend only if you like this sub genre. 


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Assasination is a wide scale period film of patriotism, revenge and assasinations. It is entertaining but I have found it overly long and the chracters stretched. It might have been better if this was a 16 episode drama. All the actors were great and the story was interesting, I'm certainly glad to have seen it but I don't think I wanted to watch it again. 


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Veteran is a film I wanted to watch for a long time. Not only due to its popularity but also the lead actors are both interesting. I love Yoo Ah In ever since Sukyungwan Scandal and Hwang Jung Min won my heart with I think that aids film he did with  Jeon Do Yeon despite resisting to him for a long time.  This film is very entertaining and time flew by as I followed the story of honest cop vs. evil chaebol. It reminded me of a weaker Public Enemy (excellent film with a not so honest cop vs. evil physcopath) and I'm a sucker for that kind of thing. Highly recommended. 

The Intern

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The Intern is probably my favorite Nancy Myers film and it is mostly due to its leading actors. I love Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro was as good as ever. Yeah tears were shed but in a good way. 


Temptation ended up being entertaining with a heavy feminist message. No visual for this since I left it on the plane without taking a photo.