Friday, February 19, 2016

Fathers and Daughters

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Fathers and Daughters knock me off unexpectedly. Not only the story seemed interesting to me but also the performances were great (but then again the cast is all actors I like) with a cute little girl. The Father is a writer (yeah this film had me at hello) and the story is told in twofold. One past the other present day (when the little girl is grown up). I cried and cried and cried. Yeah it is another first world problems film but it touched me and I'm very glad I watched it. This may not be to everyone's taste though.

Ok I just found out that the director's one other film was The Pursuit of Happyness (I cannot watch it again since I have cried so so much during the first viewing) so it looks like Mr. Gabriele Muccino knows how to turn my taps on. 

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