Monday, February 22, 2016

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl was presented as "comedy" on the in flight selection and after laughing out loud at Spy I thought I was finally into comedy and wanted to laugh more. So I chose this one thinking that it is going to be 'some self congratulating its cleverness' indie USA comedy. And I was wrong. This turned out to be a full blown melodrama disguised and indie teen comedy. Yes there were issues such as teen angst, not fitting anywhere, arguing with best friend etc. but these were all background as far as I'm concerned since there is a very likable teen girl who is dying from leukemia and the stupid script informs us not to be sad since she will not die. But she does. Yes I spoiled you since I wanted to spare you the pain. I have cried so much during this even though I genuinely believed that this girl would live. She didn't. She died, not even 19. I still tear up even remembering it so beware. 

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