Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Best Served Cold

Best Served Cold is the first stand alone novel of The First Law AU. Now I have LOVED the trilogy and kind of fell for Glockta. This one is a revenge novel (inspired by films like Kill Bill the author says - and Joe Abercrombie is hillarious on youtube, he is very funny and articulate and good looking too) and I love revenge in fiction (in real life it puzzles me, the optimist who easily forgets the wrongs done to her). So my expectations were a bit high and they were met although I didn't fall in love as I did with the trilogy. Although now I want to read the other two novels (Heroes - a war novel, despite war being my least fave genre and Red Country - a western) soon.

I like the fact that our heroine was just as good as the rest of the male characters. And I liked the fact that we met some of the characters in the trilogy (but not Glockta :( ).

Anyway this one sustained me very well at the beach in Hanalei (yeah my idea of a beach read, weird I know) and enhanced my general sense of elation.

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